!!Philippa Saunders - Curriculum Vitae
__Current Research Grants__
*2021 UKRI/Advanced Pain Discovery Platform (APDP) ADVANTAGE consortium. Lead PI Woods (Cambridge). £4.1m. Co-lead WP8\\
*2021 - 2022 MRC Confidence in Concept (CIC) Scheme. UoE. Kynurenine monooxygenase (KMO) inhibition as a novel therapy for endometriosis: proof-of-concept. Co-I. PI Damian Mole. £69,875\\
*2018 - 2023  IMI-Pain Care – Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain. EU: IMI2-2016-10-03C. PAINCARE consortium 6.48 million euros. WP 10: Models of Endometriosis Pain (Academic Lead and WP Leader). Edinburgh grant award. 341,331 euros\\
*2018 - 2021 MRC Confidence in Concept (CIC) Scheme. Phase II single-arm open label clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of DCA to treat endometriosis-associated pain £120,173.00. MRC/CIC6/58 \\
*2018 - 2021  MRC Project Grant "Identifying disease promoting macrophages and tissue-identity in endometriosis” E Greaves (PI), Co-I. £738,262. MR/S002456/1\\
*2016 - 2025 MRC DTP in Precision Medicine. Full costs 29 PhD studentships. Lead applicant PTK Saunders on behalf of the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. MR/N013166/1. Original award £3.3m. Extended by additional awards (PS lead PI) for 12 further studentships (£850,000). Extension to DTP June 2018 (2x13 = £2.3m)
__Recent Public Engagement Activities__
*RSE blog/Scotsman Article 7th December 2021. Endometriosis: how wearable technology could improve limited treatment options for this painful condition.\\
*Royal Society of Edinburgh. Curious Programme 2021. ‘Endometriosis: our vision for a future of effective personalized care’ Online event attended by ~100 people\\
*University of Edinburgh Research Insights Programme. Online 17th February 2021. Tackling the pain of endometriosis. >200 attendees\\
*Endometriosis UK. Research Day. November 16th 2019. Pelvic pain: research priorities and progress towards better therapies.\\
*Edinburgh Science Festival. ‘Endometriosis – the bloody truth’. April 14th 2019. \\
*Scottish Parliament. Annual Endometriosis Awareness Event. March 2019, 2020.\\
*Endometriosis Research Day. 19th January 2019.\\ \\