!!Pierangela Samarati - Biography
Pierangela Samarati is a Professor in Informatics at the University of Milan, Italy. She has been a computer scientist at SRI International, CA (USA) and held visiting positions at George Mason University, VA (USA) and Stanford University, CA (USA).\\
Her main research interests are in data protection, security, and privacy.  She has published more than 290 papers appearing in top-tier journals, conference proceedings, and books. She has coordinated, and participated in, numerous projects funded by the European Commission, and the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). She also served as Project Coordinator of  EC-funded projects with a large consortium comprising academia, SMEs, and multinational organizations such as BT, DELL-EMC, IBM, SAP, MasterCard. She has served as PI for UNIMI for several projects on information security and privacy. She is the PI of the Spoke on Data Governance and Protection funded by the MUR under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.\\
She has been serving on the editorial board, also in leading roles, for many journals, including premier ACM and IEEE Transactions.  She has organized ~50 international conferences as General or Program chair, and served as PC member for ~500 international conferences, including flagship conferences of ACM and IEEE. \\
She has been serving in the steering committees of several international conferences; including being the Chair of the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security Steering Committee and of the Working Group on Security and Trust Management of European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). \\
She has been participating, also in chairing role, several technical boards and committees, including committees on development of standard research evaluation panels at the national and European level.\\
She has been invited to deliver ~100 keynotes, invited talks, and lectures at international conferences and schools.  \\
[Full CV|https://samarati.di.unimi.it/cv]\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit psamarati}][{ALLOW upload psamarati}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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