!!Shmuel Sagiv - Curriculum Vitae
*2005 - present Full Professor, Tel-Aviv University\\
*2004 - 2005    Associate Professor, Tel-Aviv University\\
*2000 - 2004    Senior Lecturer, Tel-Aviv University\\
*1997 - 2000    Lecturer, Tel-Aviv University\\
*1996 - 1997    Visiting Professor, University of Chicago\\
*1994 - 1995    Visiting Associate Research Scientist, University of Madison-Wisconsin\\
*1993 - 1994    Visiting Professor, University of Copenhagen\\
*1991 - 1993    Researcher, IBM Israel Scientific Center\\
*1988 - 1991    Instructor, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
*1986 - 1990 Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, Technion. Advisors: Prof. Michael Rodeh and Prof. Nissim Francez, “High Level Formalisms for Program Flow Analysis and their use in Compiling.” \\
*1982 - 1985 B.A., Department of Computer Science, Technion, Graduated cum laude
* 2017 - 2021 B.S.F Grant “Effective Reasoning about Dynamically Evolving Relations” PI (Co-PI: Neil Immerman
* and Sharon Shoham)
* 2013 - 2019 Senior ERC Grant: “Verifying and Synthesizing Software Compositions” (PI, 1.57 Million Euros)
* 2011 – 2012 IBM OCR Gift jointly with Alex Aiken ($500k)
* 2000, 01, 02, 04, 05 IBM Faculty Awards
Journal Editor of Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages: Publish the best works in Programming Languages\\
Program Committee Chair of POPL, SAS, ESOP, ISMM, and several workshops and Dagstuhl Seminars\\
Member of numerous program committees\\
Holder of 4 US Patents\\ \\