!!Catherine Sackley - Curriculum Vitae

__Education & Qualifications__
*1982 Associateship in Physiotherapy, Sheffield City Polytechnic\\
*1986 MSc Rehabilitation Studies Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton\\
*1991 PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Nottingham
__Professional Affiliations__
*1982 to date Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy No. B41205 \\
*1982 to date State Registered Physiotherapist No. PH30086
__Current Appointment__
*2014 to date   Head of Department of Population Health Sciences, Professor of Rehabilitation, King’s College, London\\
*Head of Department of Population Health Sciences, which includes Physiotherapy, Primary Care & General Practice, Public Health, Global Health, Informatics, Medical Statistics and several groups related to NIHR infrastructure funding. It houses 220 academic and research staff, 50 research students, 200 physiotherapy students and 2,000 medical students. Responsible for performance and budgets \\
*Head of Physiotherapy \\
*Professor of Rehabilitation, actively developing a clinical academic research group with King’s Health Partners and King’s Sierra Leone Partnership
__Current Programme and Project grants__ \\
1) Sackley C et al 2018-21 NIHR Global Health Group, Stroke in Sierra Leone £1,980,000\\
2) Williams et al 2018-23 NIHR HTA FEMUR iii £ 1,700,00\\
3) Manthorpe et al 2018-2023 NIHR National School for Social Care Research £3,000,000\\
4) Steultjens et al Gait interventions for patients newly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis of the foot or ankle NIHR HTA 15/165 2017 – 2022 £1,800,000. \\
5) Wolfe et al Improving the quality of care for stroke survivors in care homes. The Dunhill Medical Trust 2019-2020 £292,72.\\
6) Prince et al ASSET: heAlth System StrEngThening in SSA, NIHR Global Health. 2017-2021 £6,997,730\\
7) Bearne et al A brief physiotherapist-led behaviour-change intervention to facilitate walking in older people with peripheral arterial disease: A RCT. The Dunhill Medical Trust 2016—2019 £299,495\\
8) Sackley C et al 2015-2020 A randomised controlled trial of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment versus standard NHS Speech and Language Therapy versus control in Parkinson's disease, NIHR HTA  £1,940,000\\
9) Orell M., et al. Valuing Active Life In Dementia (VALID), 2012-2018, NIHR PGAR   £1,994,446.\\ \\