!!Julio Rozas - Biography
Julio Rozas is full professor of Genetics (since 2009) at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and member of the board of directors of the BiB (Bioinformatics Barcelona). He graduated in Biology (UB, 1985), and received his PhD degree in Biology (UB, 1990) under the supervision of Prof. M. Aguadé. He was awarded a post-doc Fulbright fellowship (1991 - 1992) for a postdoctoral stay with Prof. R. Lewontin (Harvard University). \\
His research seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying molecular evolution, from DNA and gene family levels to the origin and nature of genetic innovations. He is also using molecular data to study the evolutionary history of organisms. He investigates the genomic basis of adaptation, and the chemosensory system of invertebrates; for his research he combines analytical, theoretical and experimental approaches applying Comparative/Population Genomics and Bioinformatics methods. Moreover, he developed some popular bioinformatics tools for population genetics and molecular evolution, such as DnaSP (international reference), VariScan, BadiRate, DOMINO and BITACORA, and he participates to several genome sequencing and analysis consortia. \\
In total he has published 113 scientific articles (73% en Q1; 34% in D1) in the last 10 years, with an h-index of 40. His publications have received more than 36,000 citations, and include papers in high-impact factor journals (eg, Nature, Science, PNAS, PLoS Biol or Nature Ecol. Evol.), as well as in reputed specialized journals (eg, Mol. Biol. Evol., Genome Biol. Evol., Genome Research, Bioinformatics o Genetics). Several of his papers are highly-cited international references (7 of them more than 1,000 citations, with one paper with more than 14,000 citations).  He has supervised 10 doctoral thesis (6 in the last 10 years). He is also associated editor of BMC Genomics and member of three other editorial boards.\\
[Complete publication list|http://www.ub.edu/molevol/julio/SelPublications.html]\\ \\