!!Ewa Rondio - Curriculum Vitae
*2006 Professor Title in Physics (granted by President of Poland)\\
*1995 Habilitation (physics), Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw\\
*1982 PhD (physics), Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw\\
*1978 MSc (physics), Warsaw University, Warsaw
__Research field:__ experimental particle physics.\\
__Research activities in 2 main areas: nucleon structure (1-4) and neutrino physics (5-8):__\\
1) 1982 - 1986: participation in European Muon Collaboration, experiments NA9, NA21, NA28 on high energy muon beam, studies of nucleon structure and characteristic of final states in muon-nucleon interactions;\\
2) 1986 - 1991: participation in New Muon Collaboration, experiment NA37 at CERN, measurements of proton and deuteron structure function, observation of Gottfried sum rules violation, QCD analysis of structure-function data, measurement of second structure-function R;\\
3) 1991 - now: studies of nucleon spin structure, in NA47 analysis coordinator during 1997-98 analysis of low x structure functions with special hadron selection to reduce radiative background, QCD analysis of spin structure functions;\\
4) 1997 - 1998: participation in data taking and preliminary analysis in NA48 experiment\\
5) 2000 - now: establishing and directing new group in Institute for Nuclear Study (combined effort of several Polish institutions), deputy coordinator of the Polish neutrino group;\\
6) 2000 - 2008: participation in ICARUS experiment for studies of neutrino oscillations and proton decay, work on preparation of external trigger for test data of T300 module, Monte Carlo simulations of neutrino interactions, preparation for construction of next modules and detector installation in Gran Sasso;\\
7) 2005 - now: participation in T2K experiment, first preparation for Polish participation, participation in ND280 detector construction and preparation for reconstruction and data analysis;\\
8) 2007 - now: experiment NA61 at CERN, data for hadron production by 30-50 GeV protons, input for neutrino beam simulation for T2K.\\ \\