!!Samuli Ripatti - Biography
Samuli Ripatti (1969) graduated from University of Helsinki as a statistics major. He got his PhD in methematical statistics from Stockholm University in 2002 and became docent is statistics in 2007. After a few year in industry after the Phd, he returned to academia with postdoc period at Karolinska Institute and Finnish National Public Health Institute and University of Helsinki. \\
He was a FIMM-EMBL Group Leader 2010-2019 at Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) and a Honorary Faculty Member at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 2011-2017.  In 2013 he became a Professor of Biometry at Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki and 2018 a Scholar at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, MA, US. He has been the Director of Academy of Finland's Center of Excellence in Complex Disease Genetics since 2018 and the Director of FIMM since 2023. He is also chairing a H2020 funded project INTERVENE (https://www.interveneproject.eu) aiming at transforming genomics-based disease prediction and prognosis in a global network of researchers, biobanks and statistical and AI-methods developers. \\
Dr Ripattiā€™s research focuses on cardiometabolic diseases as models to learn about new disease mechanisms and to develop novel genome-based strategies for diagnosis, prevention and stratified treatment. He has pioneered the use of polygenic risk scores in complex disease prevention and early detection and developed and tested risk algorithms in clinical settings. he has published 272 peer reviewed articles in leading medical, life science and genetic journals, citated >72,000 times and his h-index is 111. He is also actively participating in doctoral and postdoctoral training programs, including chairing of doctoral programs in life sciences. In addition to participating in multiple evaluating committees (including ERC panels), Ripatti currently sits in Scientific Advisory Boards for the National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Singapore Precision Medicine OF-LCG Programme and for Extended Cohort for E-health, Environment and DNA Study (EXCEED).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit sripatti}][{ALLOW upload sripatti}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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