!!Peter Rehling - Selected Publications
__Citations:__ 6,912 (Scopus); 6,717 (Web of Science); 9,641 (Google Scholar)\\
__h-index:__ 49 (Scopus); 48 (Web of Science); 53 (Google Scholar)\\
Richter, F., Dennerlein, S., Nikolov, M., Jans, D.C., Naumenko, N., Aich, A., MacVicar, T., Linden, A., Jakobs, S., Urlaub, H., Langer, T., and Rehling, P. (2019) ROMO1 is a constituent of the human presequence translocase required for YME1L import. J. Cell Biol. 218: 598-614\\
Pacheu-Grau, D., Callegari, S., Emperador, S., Thompson, K., Aich, A. Topol, S.E., Spencer, E.G., McFarland, R., Ruiz-Pesini, E., Torkamani, A., Taylor, R.W., Montoya, J., and Rehling, P. (2018) Mutations of the mitochondrial carrier translocase channel subunit TIM22 cause early-onset mitochondrial myopathy. Hum. Mol. Gen. 27:4135-4144\\
Chowdhury, A., Aich, A., Gaurav, J., Wozny, K., Lüchtenborg, C., Hartmann, M., Bernhard, O., Balleiniger, M., Alfar, E.A., Zieseniss, A., Toischer, K., Guan, K., Rizzoli, S.O., Brügger, B., Fischer, A., Katschinski, DM, Rehling, P*. and Dudek, J. (2018) Defective mitochondrial cardiolipin remodeling dampens HIF-1a expression in hypoxia. CELL reports 25: 561–570. (*corresponding author)\\
Naumenko, N., Morgenstern, M., Rucktäschel, R., Warscheid, B., and Rehling, P. (2017) INA complex liaises the F1Fo-ATP synthase membrane motor modules. Nature Comm. 8:1237\\
Schendzielorz, A.B., Bagosewski, P., Naumenko, N., Gomkale, R., Schulz, C., Guiard, B., Chacinska, A., and Rehling, P. (2018) Motor-recruitment to the TIM23 channel’s lateral gate restricts polypeptide release into the mitochondrial inner membrane. Nature Comm. 9: 4028\\
Richter-Dennerlein, R., Oeljeklaus, S., Lorenzi, I., Ronsör, C., Bareth, B., Schendzielorz, A.B., Wang, C., Warscheid, B., Rehling, P.*, and Dennerlein S. (2016) Mitochondrial protein synthesis adapts to influx of nuclear-encoded protein. CELL 67: 471-483 (*corresponding and lead author)\\
Dudek, J., Cheng, I. Chowdhury, A., Wotnzy, K., Balleininger, M., Reinhold, R., Grunau, S., Callegari, S., Toischer, K., Wanders, R.J.A., Hasenfuß, G., Guan, K., Brügger, B., Guan, K., and Rehling, P. (2016) Cardiac-specific Succinate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Barth Syndrome. EMBO Mol. Med. 8: 139-154\\
Dennerlein, S., Oeljeklaus, S., Jans, D., Hellwig, C., Bareth, B., Jakobs, S., Deckers, M., Warscheid, B., and Rehling, P. (2015) MITRAC7 acts as a COX1-specific Chaperone and Reveals a Checkpoint during Cytochrome c Oxidase Assembly. CELL Reports 12: 1644–1655\\
Pacheu-Grau, P., Bareth, B., Dudek, J., Juris, L., Vögtle, F.-N. Wissel, M., Leary, S., Dennerlein, S., Rehling, P.*, and Deckers, M. (2015) Cooperation between COA6 and SCO2 in COX2 maturation during cytochrome c oxidase assembly links two mitochondrial cardiomyopathies. CELL Metabolism 21: 823-833. (*corresponding author)\\
Mick, D.U., Dennerlein, S., Wiese, H., Reinhold, R., Pacheu-Grau, D., Lorenzi, I., Sasarman, F., Weraarpachai, W., Shoubridge, E.A., Warscheid, B., and Rehling, P. (2012) MITRAC links mitochondrial protein translocation to respiratory-chain assembly and translational regulation. CELL 151: 1528-1541