!!!Martin Rees
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2012	Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
*1995 -	present Astronomer Royal
*2001 - present Honorary Professor: Imperial College, London and Leicester University
*2004 - 2012 Master of Trinity College, Cambridge
*2002 - 2009 Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics, Cambridge
*1992 - 2003 Official Fellow King's College, Cambridge
*1992 - 2003 Royal Society Professor at Cambridge University
*1973 - 1991 Professorial Fellow, King's College, Cambridge
*1977 - 1982 and 1987 - 1991 Director, Institute of Astronomy
*Spring 1995 JSPS visitor, Kyoto University
*1973 - 1991 Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy, Cambridge University
*1984 - 1988 Regents Visiting Fellow of Smithsonian Institution
*Jan - June 1984	Joint Coordinator of programme on galaxy formation, etc. at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara
*1982, 1996, 1997 Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
*1976 - 1977 Gresham Professor of Astronomy
*1972 - 1973 Professor, Sussex University
*1972, 1988 - 1989 Visiting Professor, Harvard University
*Spring 1971	Visiting Associate Professor, Caltech
*1969 - 1970	Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey
*1969 - 1972	Senior Research Fellow, King's College, Cambridge
*1967 - 1972	Staff member, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, Cambridge
*1967 - 1969	Fellow, Jesus College, Cambridge
*1968	Research Fellow, Caltech
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1975	H. P. Robertson Award & Lectureship (Nat. Acad. Sci.)
*1982	Hopkins Prize (Cam. Phil. Soc.)
*1984	Heineman Prize for Astrophysics (A.I.P.)
*1986	Bappu Memorial Award of Indian Nat. Sci. Acad.
*1987	Gold Medal of Royal Astron. Soc
*1989	Guthrie Medal and Prize. Inst. of Physics (UK)
*1989	Karl Schwarzschild Award of Astronomische Gesellschaft
*1989	Balzan Prize
*1990	Robinson Prize for Cosmology
*1991	Officier dans I'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
*1992	Knight Batchelor
*1993	Bruce Medal, Astr. Soc. Pacific
*1996	Science writing award. American Institute of Physics
*1998	Bower Prize and Award for Science, Franklin Institute
*2000	Golden Plate Award, International Academy of Achievement
*2000	Rossi prize (AAS)
*2001 	Cosmology Prize, Gruber Foundation
*2003 	Einstein Award of World Cultural Council
*2004 	Descartes Prize (member of winning collaboration)
*2004 	Faraday Award (Roy Soc)
*2005 	Crafoord Prize (Royal Swedish Academy)
*2005	Life Peerage
*2005 	Niels Bohr Medal (UNESCO)
*2007 	Order of Merit
*2011 	Templeton Prize
*2012	Newton Prize (Institute of Physics)
*2013	Paczynski Medal (Warsaw)
*2013	Dirac Medal and Prize (ICTP)
*2015	Nierenberg Prize (Scripps Institute)
*2015	Order of the Rising Sun (Gold and Silver Star) (Japan)
*2016 Academia Europaea Erasmus Medal
*2023 Royal Society’s Copley Medal
*[2024 Wolf Prize in Physics|https://wolffund.org.il/martin-rees]  “''for fundamental contributions to high-energy astrophysics, galaxies and structure formation, and cosmology''”
*Hon. DSc.: Sussex (1990), Leicester (1993), Copenhagen (1995), Keele (1995), Uppsala (1995), Newcastle (1995), Toronto (1996), Durham (1999), Oxford (2000), Ohio (2006), Exeter (2006), Hull (2007), Yale (2008), Open University (2008), Liverpool (2008), King's College, London (2008), McMaster (2009), East Anglia (2009), Melbourne (2010), Portsmouth (2011), Sydney (2012), ETH Zurich (2012), Cambridge (2014), Greenwich (2014)
*Hon. D. Litt: 	University of London (2011), University of Bath (2015)
*Hon. Fellow: Cardiff University (1998),Trinity College, Cambridge (1995), Jesus College, Cambridge (1996), Darwin College, Cambridge (2004), King's College, Cambridge (2007), John Moores University, Liverpool (2008), Isaac Newton Institute (2012), City and Guilds (2012), Science Museum (2013)
*Society and Academy Memberships:
**1975	Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
**1979	Fellow of Royal Society
**1981	Fellow of Institute of Physics (Honorary Fellow 2001- )
**1982	Foreign Associate: National Academy of Sciences (USA)
**1989	Member of Academia Europaea
**1989-99	Fellow of Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
**1990	Member of Pontifical Academy of Sciences
**1990	Honorary Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences
**1993	Foreign Member: American Philosophical Society
**1993	Foreign Member: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
**1994	Honorary Member: Russian Academy of Sciences
**1996	Honorary Member: Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
**1996	Foreign Member, Academia Lincei
**1998	Foreign Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
**2001	Honorary Fellow of British Association
**2003	Foreign Member Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
**2007	Honorary Fellow: Royal Academy of Engineering
**2007	Associate Fellow: T W A S
**2012	Honorary Fellow: Academy of Medical Sciences
**2012	Foreign Member: Turkish Academy of Sciences
**2012	Honorary Fellow: British Academy
**2014	Foreign Member: Japan Academy
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Rees_Martin/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Rees_Martin/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Rees_Martin/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Rees_Martin/OtherInformation]

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