!!Tudor Ratiu - Curriculum Vitae
__Education:__  1980, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, USA;  1974, M.A.,  West University of Timisoara, Romania;  1973, B.Sc., West University of Timisoara, Romania; 1969, high school baccalaureate, "Nikolaus Lenau" German High School, Timisoara, Romania.   \\
__Current affiliation:__ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China; University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland;  ``Simion Stoilow" Mathematics Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest (honorary member).\\
__Visiting Positions:__  45 Visiting professor position in: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States.  \\
__Grant  Support:__ Continuous support  in the USA (1980-2000): NSF, DOE, ONR, AFOSR-DARPA,  ARO-URI. Continuous support in Switzerland (1999-2015): FNS, SCIEX, SCOPES. Held grants from Brazil, China, European Union, France, Russia. \\
__Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Supervision:__ 14 Ph.D. students, 36 postdocs, 43 doctoral and habilitation thesis committees\\
__Editorial Activity:__ Editor of 6 volumes; past and present editor of 13 journals and 2 book series; organizer of 31 international conferences and programs at various institutes world-wide.\\
__Administrative Service:__ Vice Dean of Network of International Centers of  Education in China at the School of Mathematical Sciences,  Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Chair and Vice Chair of the Department of Mathematics at UCSC; served on all departmental committees both in pure and applied mathematics at the University of Arizona, UCSC, and EPFL; served on campus-wide academic senate committees at UCSC and EPFL; served on hiring committees at other European universities; served on grant committees in Argentina, Canada, European Union, Israel, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, UK, USA.\\
__Co-founded two mathematics institutes:__ at the EPFL (Bernoulli Center) and Skoltech.      \\
__Member:__ American Mathematical Society; Societé Suisse de Mathématiques; Societé Mathémetique de France; \\
American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences; International Scientific Board of the "Simion Stoilow"  Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucuresti; Board of Trustees, Institute  "Henri Poincaré", Paris;  European Research Council Mathematics Grant Panel.\\
__Past member:__ American Mathematical Society Council; International Scientific Board of the "Normal Superior School", Bucuresti; Executive Committee of the American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences; Heidelberg Laureate Forum; Mathematics Federal Grant Panel, Germany.\\
__Publications:__  236 scientific papers, 7 books (one of them translated into  German and Chinese), 364 invited conference, workshop, seminar, colloquium talks. \\
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