!!Paolo Ramat - Curriculum Vitae
*PhD in Glottologia (Historical Linguistics) at the University of Florence (Dec. 1958)\\
*Lektor for Italian Language and Culture at the University of Saarland: Saarbrücken, Oct. 1961- Sept. 1962\\
*Research Assistant of Linguistics at the University of Cagliari (Nov.1962- Jan.1968)\\
*Assistant Professor of  Germanic Philology at the University of Cagliari ( Nov. 1963- Jan. 1968)\\
*Full Professor of Germanic Philology at the Universities of Cagliari (Febr. 1968-Oct. 1971) and Pavia (Nov. 1971-Oct. 1974)\\
*Full Professor of Linguistics, University of Pavia (Nov. 1974 – Oct. 2007)\\
*Doctor ‘honoris causa’ of the University of Erfurt, Germany (2.May 2006)\\
*Full Professor of Linguistics, IUSS [[Istituto Universitario di Studi  Superiori]],Pavia (Nov. 2007-09)\\
*Retired 31. Oct. 2009 \\
__Academic duties:__
*Director of the Istituto di Lingue e Letterature straniere, University of Cagliari: 1968 - 1971 \\
*Director of the Istituto di Germanistica, University of Pavia: 1971 - 1974\\
*Director of the Istituto di Glottologia, University of Pavia:  1974 - 1985\\
*Director of the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, University of Pavia: 1989-1991\\
*Director of the Dipartimento di Linguistica, University of Pavia: 1994- 2002
__Studies abroad:__
*Amsterdam (1964, 1966, 1968, 1970 and 1972: Frisian, Old Saxon and Low German) \\
*Oslo (1967: International Summer School on Norwegian Language)\\
*DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst):  study of Germanic Philology,  Sanskrit, Old Iranian: University of Würzburg, Oct 1960 - Sept 1961\\
*DAAD: University of Konstanz, Fall 1973\\
*CNRS (Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique): study of general linguistics and Culioli’s theory: University of Paris VII, Oct - Dec 1977\\
*Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: work in the frame of  Seiler’s UNITYP-Project (Feb - Nov 1978)
__Teaching activities abroad:__
*Middlebury, Vermont (USA): Summer School 1969: Visiting Professor at the Italian School\\
*Univers. München (Sommersemester 1981): Visiting Professor at the Institut für Deutsche  Philologie.\\
*Paris (academic year 1981/82): Professeur Associé à l’Université de Paris IV - Sorbonne, Institut d’Etudes Germaniques\\
*Los Angeles (Fall Quarter 1987): Visiting Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Italian Department\\
*Prague, November 1997: Lecture series for the Vilém Mathesius Center for Research and  Education in Linguistics and Semiotics (Universitas Carolina)\\
*Paris, May 2001: lectures at the Collège de France
__Selection of teaching activities in Italy outside of Pavia:__
*Università di Roma III: Corso di perfezionamento in linguistica, June 1996: ‘Areal linguistics and typological comparison’\\
*Società Italiana di Glottologia, Summer School at Udine / S. Daniele, September 1999: Lectures on Linguistic Typology\\
*Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Feb-March 2002: Introduction to Linguistic Typology\\
*Ist. Univers. Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli, May 2003: Lectures for the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics and Literature\\
*University of Cagliari. Summer School of the ‘Association for Linguistic Typology’; September 2003: Lessons on  “Typology of the Classical Languages (Ancient Greek and Latin)” by Pierluigi Cuzzolin and Paolo Ramat
__Memberships and offices:__
*Societas Linguistica Europaea (Member of  the Executive Committee: 1984-86; President of the Society: 1994/95)\\
*Società di Linguistica Italiana (President of the Society: 1973-1977)\\
*Società Italiana di Glottologia (Member  of the ‘Consiglio direttivo’:1985-1987 and  1988-1990; President of the Society: 1988-1989)\\
*Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the “Scientific Program on Language Typology” (‘EUROTYP’) funded by the European Science Foundation (1990-1994)\\
*Executive Committee of the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes (1992 - 2008); chairman  of the CIPL Nominating Committee (1993-1997). Vice-President 2000-8. Acting President 2000-2003.\\
*Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR): Member of the Committee for the Humanities (1994-1998, and  Chair  of the Committee (1995 - 1998))\\
*Member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Linguistic Typology (1999-2001)\\
*European Science Foundation (Strasbourg): Representative of the Italian CNR in the Governing   Council of the ESF (1999-2005)\\
*European Science Foundation (Strasbourg): Member of the Review Panel of the EUROCORES Program (2003-2007) ‘Origin of Man, Language and Languages’\\
*Responsible for the Scientific Committee of the Class for Humanities (A1) of the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS, Pavia): Jan. 2006 – Oct. 2009.
__Main scientific interests:__
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Historical linguistics, Indo-European studies, Typology and  language theory.
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__Past and  ongoing research projects:__
*Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: 'Universals  and Typology' (UNITYP) Project, directed by Hansjakob Seiler  (Feb - Nov 1978)  \\
*European Science Foundation 'Scientific Program on Language Typology' (EUROTYP)  (1990-1994)\\
*Joint project CNR (main coordinator Romano Lazzeroni, University of Pisa): 'The languages of the Mediterranean: typology and convergence'\\
*Joint project MURST  (1999-2003, main coordinator Giorgio Banti, Istituto Orientale, University of Naples): 'Typological changes in the morphosyntax of the Indo-European Languages' \\
*Joint project MIUR (2003-2005, main coordinator Marco Mancini): 'Continuity and discontinuity of linguistic structures: causes and means'\\
*Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR): FIRB (National Coordinator of Program: 'Europe and the Mediterranean from a  linguistic point of view: history and prospects' within the framework of the Strategic Project 'Eredità e prospettive nelle Scienze Umane – Storia, arte e letteratura come strumento di dialogo fra le culture mediterranee, mitteleuropee ed atlantiche') (2002-2005)\\
*Joint project MIUR (2005-2007, main coordinator Giorgio Banti, Univ. degli studi di Napoli, ‘L’Orientale’): 'Levels of analysis in the history of the Indo-European languages'\\
*Joint project 'PRIN' (PRogetto d'Interesse Nazionale, MIUR. Main coordinator Piera Molinelli, Università di Bergamo): 'Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell'identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica', 2012-2015