!!Geoffrey Pullum - Curriculum Vitae
*1968 - 1972  B.A. in Language (First Class Honours) University of York\\
*1974 - 1976  Ph.D. in General Linguistics, University College London
*Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, 1990 - 1991\\
*Leonard Bloomfield Book Award from the Linguistic Society of America for The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (with Rodney Huddleston), awarded January 2004\\
*Distinguished Professor of Humanities, University of California, Santa Cruz, February 2004 (four-year term)\\
*Constance E. Smith Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2005 - 2006
*1974  Visiting Lecturer, LSA Linguistic Institute, University of Massachusetts at Amherst\\
*1977  Visiting Professor, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio\\
*1978  Visiting Scientist, Mathematical Sciences Department, IBM Thomas J.Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, 1980-1981 College Visiting Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle\\
*1981 Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford University, California\\
*2012 - 2013  Gerard Visiting Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
*Associate Editor, Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America, 1983 - 1985\\
*Editorial Board member, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland), 1983 - 1989\\
*Editorial Board Member, Studies in Generative Linguistic Analysis (monograph series), Story Scientia, Ghent, Belgium.\\
*Editorial Board member, Computational Linguistics, 1987 - 1989\\
*Founding Editor, York Papers in Linguistics, 1971\\
*Editorial Board member, Linguistic Analysis: 1980 - present\\
*Editorial Board member, Journal of Amazonian Languages: 1997 - present\\
*Editorial Board member, Grammars: 1997 - present\\
*Consulting Editor, Linguistics: 1979 - present\\
*Topic editor for Mathematical Linguistics area in the Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Linguistics\\
*Appointed to the Editorial Board for Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics (Oxford University Press), 1994
*Generative Linguists in the Old World: Board member 1978 - 1980\\
*International Phonetic Association: Life Member since 1986\\
*Linguistics Association of Great Britain: Member 1972 to 1980; Executive Committee member 1976 - 1980 and 2007 - present\\
*Linguistic Society of America: Member since 1974; Life Member since 1983; Associate Editor of journal (Language) 1983 - 1985\\
*American Philosophical Association: Member since 1992; life member since 1994
Fellowship (partially funded from NSF grant number BNS 8700864) at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, September 1990 to June 1991. Recipient Project Director, Department of Education grant no. P170B20055 (Jacob R. Javits Fellowship Program), September 1, 1992 - August 31, 1993) to the University of California, Santa Cruz.\\ \\