!!Research projects:\\
Principal Investigator of the PGC2018-093778-B-I00 project of the Spanish National R&D Plan (2019-2021): HISTOPIA II ''Espacios emocionales: los lugares de la utopía en la Historia Contemporánea'' (Emotional spaces: the places of utopia in Modern and Contemporary History).\\
Researcher of the HERA.2.002 project of the HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) Call JRP “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe” (2019-2022): ''Beyond Stereotypes: Cultural Exchanges and the Romani Contribution to European Public Spaces (BESTROM)''.\\
Researcher of the H2015/HUM-3415 project of the R&D Programme in Social Sciences and Humanities of the Madrid Regional Government – European social Fund (2019-2022): MASOPA-CM: ''Madrid, sociedad y patrimonio: pasado y turismo cultural'' (Madrid, Society and Heritage: Past and Cultural Tourism).\\
Principal Investigator of the HAR2015-65957-P project of the Spanish National R&D Plan (2016-2019): HISTOPIA: ''Historia del futuro: la utopía y sus alternativas en los horizontes de expectativa del mundo contemporáneo, siglos XIX-XXI'' (History of the Future: Utopia and its Alternatives in the Modern Horizons of Expectation, 19th-21th centuries).\\
Researcher of the H2015/HUM-3415 project of the R&D Programme in Social Sciences and Humanities of the Madrid Regional Government – European social Fund (2016-2019): ''La herencia de los Reales Sitios: Madrid, de corte a capital: historia, patrimonio y turismo'' (Royal Sites Heritage: Madrid, from Court to Capital: History, Patrimony and Tourism).\\
Principal Investigator of the Interuniversity Cooperation Project UAM-Santander with Latin America CEAL-AL/2015-26, 01/07/2015–31/12/2016: ''Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Utopías'' (Iberoamerican Network for the Study of Utopias).\\
Principal Investigator of the HAR2012-32713 project of the Spanish National R&D Plan (2013-2015): ''IMAGEST: Imaginarios de Estado: modelos, utopías y distopías en la construcción del Estado-nación español en perspectiva comparada, siglos XVIII-XX'' (Imaginaries of the State: models, utopias and dystopias in the Nation-State building process in Spain, from a comparative perspective, 18th-20th Centuries).\\
Associated Researcher of the European Research Council Advanced Grant 230246 (2012-2013): ''A Comparative History of the State-building process in Latin America'' (StateBgLatAmerica 2008 SH-6), directed by J.-C. Garavaglia.\\
Researcher of the ''History of Modern Political cultures and Identities network'' (2011–2015), complementary action (HAR2010-12369-E/HIST) of the Science and Innovation Ministry.\\
Researcher of the HAR2009-13913-C02-01 coordinated project of the Spanish National I+D+i Plan (2010-2013): ''El espacio atlántico como espacio ibérico: viajes, contactos y transferencias (Siglos XIX y XX)'' (The Atlantic Space as Iberian Space: Travels, Contacts and Transfers, 19th and 20th Centuries); and the project ''Trayectorias trasatlánticas: personajes y redes entre la Península ibérica y el continente americano (1808-1978)'' (Transatlantic Trajectories: Persons and Networks Between the Iberian Peninsula and the American Continent, 1808-1978).\\
Researcher of the ''Network of Cultural History of Politics'' (2009-2011), complementary action (HAR2008-01453-E/HIST) of the Science and Innovation Ministry.\\
Researcher of the HUM2005-06556-C04-01/HIST HUM2005-06556-C04-01/HIST coordinated project of the Spanish National I+D+i Plan (2006-2009): ''Diccionario histórico de la modernidad en América y la Península Ibérica'' (Historical Dictionary of the Modernity in America and the Iberian Peninsula); and the project ''Palabras de la modernidad en la España Contemporánea'' (Words of Modernity in Modern Spain).\\
Researcher of the Madrid Regional Government project 06/0056/2003 (2004): ''Poderes privados y recursos públicos. Redes sociales, grupos de interés e instituciones y políticas económicas en la capital de España, 1833-1975'' (Private Powers and Public Resources. Social Networks, Interest Groups and Economic Institutions and Policies in the Capital of Spain, 1833-1975).\\
Researcher of the Madrid Regional Government project 06/0013/2001 (2002): ''Legislación histórica de España'' (Historical Legislation of Spain).\\
Principal Investigator of the PB97-0056 project of the Spanish National I+D Plan (1998-2001): ''La formación de la clase política liberal: la elite de poder en el reinado de Isabel II (1833-1868)'' (The Formation of the Liberal Political Class: The Elite of Power in the Reign of Isabel II, 1833-1868).\\
Researcher of the Madrid Regional Government project 06/0020/98 (1999–2000): ''El gobernador civil de Madrid en el siglo XIX'' (The Governor of Madrid in the 19th Century).\\
Researcher of the PB589-0023 project of the Spanish National I+D Plan (1993-1994): ''Las relaciones interpersonales y la construcción de lo público y lo privado a través de la literatura epistolar: familia, amor, amistad, dependencia y clientela (1650-1850)'' (Interpersonal Relationships and the Construction of Public and Private through Epistolary Literature: Family, Love, Friendship, Dependence, and Clientele, 1650-1850).\\
Researcher of the PB589-0023 project of the Spanish National I+D Plan (1990-1993): ''Documentos personales y literatura del "paterfamilias": epistolarios, diarios, tratadística y libros de viajes'' (Personal documents and literature of "paterfamilias": epistolaries, newspapers, tradistics and travel books).\\
Researcher of the Madrid Regional Government project (1990-1993): ''La parroquia como espacio reticular de poder: el modelo de Santiago y San Juan Bautista'' (The Parish as a Reticular Space of Power: The Model of Santiago and San Juan Bautista).\\
Associated researcher of the PB85-0212 project of the Spanish National I+D Plan (1987-1989): ''La política agraria en España, 1760-1930'' (Agrarian Policies in Spain, 1760-1930).\\