!!Jean Ponce - Selected Publications
Ten publications with over 1000 citations according to Gogle Scholar. CVPR, ICCV, ICML and NeurIPS are (with ECCV) the top international computer vision and machine learning conferences. IEEE T. PAMI and JMLR are (with IJCV) the top international computer vision and machine learning journals.\\
[[1] S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce, "Beyond bags of features: Spatial pyramid matching for recognizing natural scene categories", Proc. CVPR, 2006. Recognized by the  CVPR test-of-time Longuet-Higgins award in 2016. 10308 citations.\\
[[2] D.A. Forsyth and J. Ponce, "Computer vision: A modern approach", Prentice-Hall, 2002 (second edition, 2011). 6933 citations. This book has been translated into Chinese, Japanese and Russian, and has sold over 15,000 copies.\\
[[3] Y. Furukawa and J. Ponce, "Accurate, dense, and robust multi-view stereopsis", Proc. CVPR'07 and IEEE T. PAMI, 2010.  Recognized by the  CVPR test-of-time Longuet-Higgins award in 2020. 3879 citations. The corresponding software, PMVS, is used in production by  Google, Industrial Light & Magic, and Weta Digital, and was the object of 2012 US patent #8,331,615.\\
[[4]  J. Mairal, F. Bach, J .Ponce, G. Sapiro, "Online learning for matrix factorization and sparse coding", JMLR 11(1), 2010. 2990 citations.\\
[[5] J. Mairal, F. Bach, J .Ponce, G. Sapiro, "Online dictionary learning for sparse coding", Proc. ICML'09. Recognized by the ICML test-of-time  award in 2019. 2530 citations. \\
[[6] J. Mairal, F. Bach, J. Ponce, G. Sapiro, A. Zisserman, "Non-local sparse models for image restoration", Proc. ICCV'09. 1960 citations.\\
[[7] Y.L. Boureau, J. Ponce, Y. LeCun, "A theoretical analysis of feature pooling in visual recognition", Proc. ICML'10. 1588 citations.\\
[[8] S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce, "A sparse texture representation using local affine regions", IEEE T. PAMI 27 (8), 2005. 1423 citations.\\
[[9] Y.L. Boureau, F. Bach, Y. LeCun, J. Ponce, "Learning mid-level features for recognition", Proc. CVPR'10. 1389 citations.\\
[[10] J. Mairal, J .Ponce, G. Sapiro, A. Zisserman, F. Bach, "Supervised dictionary learning", Proc. NeurIPS'08. 1378 citations.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jponce}][{ALLOW upload jponce}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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