!!Marc Pollefeys - Biography
Marc Pollefeys is a full professor at ETH Zurich since 2007 and Director of Science at Microsoft since 2016.  He established the Microsoft Mixed Reality and AI Zurich Lab in 2018.  From 2002 until 2007 he was an assistant and, then associate professor at UNC-Chapel Hill.  \\
He is best known for his work on all aspects of three-dimensional/geometric computer vision, which he primarily applies to AR/VR/MR devices, robotics and autonomous vehicles.  He has made significant contributions to structure-from-motion, (self-)calibration, visual pose estimation, RANSAC/robust estimation, stereo rectification, stereo and multi-view stereo, 3D surface reconstruction, semantic 3D reconstruction, visual localization, image-based rendering and more. Besides computer vision, he has also made significant contributions to robotics, machine learning and computer graphics.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mpollefeys}][{ALLOW upload mpollefeys}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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