!!!Amélia Polónia
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2020 Full professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Portugal  
* 2009  Associate Professor with habilitación, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Portugal
* 2006  Associate Professor with tenure, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Portugal
* 2000  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Portugal
* 1985  Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Portugal
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2020 Honoris Causa Doctorate from the Université de Bretagne Sud in Vannes, France
* Since 2015  Panel member of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education, Portugal 
* Since 2015  External member of the Scientific Board of the "Groupement d'Interêt Scientifique en Histoire Maritime et Sciences de la Mer" (CNRS, France)
* 2013 - 2018  Advisory board member, ERC Starting Grant Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires 1500-1750: a Comparative Overview of Free Agents and Informal Empires in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, coord. Cátia Antunes
* Since 2012 Scientific coordinator of the research network "The Gouvernance of Atlantic Seaports, 14th- 20th centuries", including researchers from Europe, Africa and latin America  (http://www.uned.es/gobernanza-puertos-atlanticos/indexEn.html)
* Since 2012 Member of the Portuguese Academy of History
* Since 2009 Member of the Portuguese Naval Academy (Academia da Marinha)
* Since 2008 Vice-President of the IMEHA (International Maritime Economic History Association)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Polónia_Amélia/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Polónia_Amélia/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Polónia_Amélia/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Polónia_Amélia/OtherInformation]

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