!!Alexandru-Florin Platon - Selected Publications
The „Body Politic” in European Culture. From Middle Ages to the Modern Era (Polirom, Iasi, 2017).\\
Le Pogrom de Iași et la Shoah en Roumanie ( „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press, Iasi, 2015 (with Carol Iancu).\\
A History of Europe in the Middle Ages (Vth-XVIth c.) (Polirom, Iaşi, 2010 (with Laurentiu Radvan and Bogdan-Petru Maleon).\\
Fernand Braudel, la „nouvelle histoire” et les „Annales” en Roumanie. Interférences historiographiques franco-roumaines (Accent, Cluj-Napoca, 2009 (with Toader Nicoara).\\
Nouvelles perspectives de l’histoire sociale en France et en Roumanie (with Cristiana Oghina-Pavie et Jacques-Guy Petit) („Alexandru Ioan Cuza„ University Press", Iasi, 2003). \\
Society and Mentalities in the Middle Ages. An Introduction to Historical Anthropology („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press”, Iasi, 2000).\\
The Genesis of the Bourgeoisie in the Romanian Principalities (second half of the 18th century – first half of the 19th century) („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press, Iasi, 1997).\\
The Moldavian Nobility in the 19th Century. European Context, Social and Political Evolution (Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1995 (with Gheorghe Platon).