!!Maria Petrou
!Short laudatio by Erol Gelenbe
Maria Petrou, Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering (2004), Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK (2008), Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (1998), Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (2000), Distinguished Fellow of the British Machine Vision Association (2006) and Fellow of the City and Guilds, UK (2009) is an international leader in Image Processing. She is at Imperial College London, since 2006 as the Chair of Signal Processing. She lectures on digital image processing, and has published over 120 journal papers, 250 conference papers and two books on image processing. She has 10 granted or submitted patent applications.
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Her early work was on pattern recognition and her papers on probabilistic relaxation have attracted hundreds of citations (Christmas etal, PAMI 1995, 360 citations; ref 10 above 121 citations). Her papers on low level image processing have also attracted hundreds of citations (edge detection, PAMI 1991, 138 citations; ref 5 from list 138 citations). She pioneered the use of the trace transform (ref 13 from list, 67 citations) which is a new tool for doing image processing and solving problems in a domain that is not the standard pixel based domain. In the recent years, she has turned her attention to understanding the human visual system and thus emulate cognitive processes on the computer. In 2008 she edited the book "Next generation artificial vision systems, reverse engineering the human visual system", which is one of the top selling books in science in Amazon. She is very interested in teaching and her two textbooks are very popular with researchers (ref 29 of the list, 137 citations). She has supervised to successful completion 39 PhD students so far and has helped many others towards the completion of their theses. Several of her students are now in top positions either in industry, or in academia.
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She is currently:
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*Trustee of IET (150,000 members world wide)
*Technical Program Committee Member of EUSIPCO 2009
*Programme Chair of the International Conference on Space Technology, Aug 24-26, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece.
*Member ofthe Science and Technology Board of the Data and Information Fusion Defence Technology Centre (UK) and Theme Leader for Multisensor Management, appointed by the company General Dynamics (2003-2009).
*Advisory Board Member of the Systems Defence Technology Centre (UK)
*Visiting Professor of Image Analysis of Surrey University (2005-2011)
*isiting Professor of Jiatong University, Shanghai, China
*Member ofthe advisory board of London Technology Networks
__She has served as:__
*An associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (1995-1998)
*The newsletter editor ofthe Inter. Assoc. of Pattern Recognition (1994-1998)
*The chairman of the British Machine Vision Association (1999-2002)
*The treasurer of the Inter. Assoc. of Pattern Recognition (2002-2006)
*Member ofthe programme committee of dozens of conferences
*Examiner of hundreds of PhD theses worldwide (UK, Austria, Denmark, India, Spain, South Africa, Hong Kong, etc)
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Finally, she was the first female to become a Professor in an Electrical Engineering department in the UK.


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