!!Klaus Petersen - Selected Publications
K. Petersen & J. Schou (2020), ‘Digitalization and the Danish Welfare State: Policies, Institutional Changes and Strategic Dilemmas’, Policy Science, 27(3), 97-114. \\
A. Chynoweth, B. Lynch, K. Petersen & S. Smed (Eds.) (2020). Museums and Social Change: Challenging the Un-helpful Museum. London: Routledge.\\
H. Obinger, K. Petersen & P. Starke (eds.) (2018). Warfare & Welfare. Military Conflict and Welfare State Development in Western Countries. Oxford University Press.\\
K. Petersen & H. Obinger (2017), “Mass Warfare and the Welfare State. Causal Mechanisms and Effects’, British Journal of Political Science,, 47(1), 203-227. \\
P. Emmenegger & K. Petersen (2017). “Taking History Seriously in Comparative Research: The Case of Electoral System Choice, 1890-1939’, Comparative European Politics, 15(6), 897-918\\
J. Kvist, P. Marx, P. Emmenegger. & K. Petersen (2015), “The Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: The making of a classic’, Journal of European Social Policy, 25(1), 37-51. \\
K. Petersen & J.H. Petersen (2014). “Autonomy, Cooperation or Colonization? Christian Philantrophy and State Welfare in Denmark’, Journal of Church and State, 56(1), 81-104. \\
N.F. Christiansen, J.H. Petersen & K. Petersen (Eds.), (2010-2014). Dansk velfærdshistorie [[Danish Welfare History], Vols. 1-7, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark. [[Co.editor and main contributer to a 5000-pages history of the Danish welfare state 1800-2000. KP contribution as author is 1000+ pages] \\
K. Petersen & J.H. Petersen (2013).“Confusion and Divergence. The Term “Welfare State’ in Britain and Germany ca. 1840-1960’, Journal of European Social Policy, 23(1), 2013, p. 37-51. \\
K. Petersen (2013), “The early Cold War and the Western Welfare State’, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 29(3), 226-240. \\
Total academic production (february 2021) includes: 6 books, 30 edited books, 14 special issues of journals, 42 articles, and 91 book chapters. Works are published in Danish, English, German, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.\\
__Google scholar: (february 2021):__ 1767 citations, h-index 20, i10-indeks: 30