!!Dominik Perler - Curriculum Vitae

*2020 Co-Director of the Humanities Research Center “Human Abilities”, Humboldt-Universitaet and Freie Universitaet Berlin\\
*2017 Visiting Professor at Ecole normale supérieure, Paris\\
*2016 Chaim Perelman Professor at Université libre de Bruxelles\\
*2014 - 2017  President of the German Society for Philosophy\\
*2013 - 2015  Global Scholar at Princeton University\\
*2012 Edith Bruce Lecturer at the University of Toronto\\
*2010 Fellow at the Istituto Svizzero di Roma\\
*2010 Carl Schurz Memorial Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison\\
*2009 Silverman Professor at Tel Aviv University\\
*2007 - 2010 President of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy\\
*2004 Collins Professor at Saint Louis University\\
*2003 Professor at Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin\\
*2002 Pierre Abélard Lecturer at the Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne\\
*1997 - 2003  Professor at the University of Basel\\
*1996 - 1997 Fellow of All Souls and Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Oxford\\
*1996 Habilitation at the University of Goettingen\\
*1993 - 1995 Lecturer at the University of Goettingen\\
*1992 - 1993 Visiting Assistant Professor at the Univerity of California, Los Angeles \\
*1991 - 1992 Visiting Scholar at Cornell University\\
*1991  Dr. phil., University of Fribourg\\
*1988 - 1991 Graduate Studies at the Universities of Fribourg and Goettingen\\
*1988  lic.phil., University of Fribourg\\
*1984 - 1988 Undergraduate Studies at the Universities of Fribourg and Bern\\ \\