!!Inês Cardoso Pereira  - Selected Publications
__Microbial metabolism:__\\
1. Santos A, Venceslau SS, Grein F, Leavitt WD, Dahl C, Johnston DT and Pereira IAC* (2015) A protein trisulfide couples dissimilatory sulfate reduction to energy conservation. Science, 350, 1541-1545. DOI: 10.1126/science.aad3558\\
2. Ferreira D, Barbosa ACC, Oliveira GP, Catarino T, Venceslau SS, Pereira IAC. (2022) The DsrD functional marker protein is an allosteric activator of the DsrAB dissimilatory sulfite reductase. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 119 (4) e2118880119; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2118880119\\
3. Chernyh NA*, Neukirchen S, Frolov EN, Sousa FL*, Miroshnichenko ML, Merkel AY, Pimenov NV, Sorokin DY, Ciordia S, Mena MC, Ferrer M, Golyshin PN, Lebedinsky AV, Pereira IAC* & Bonch-Osmolovskaya EA (2020) Dissimilatory sulfate reduction in the archaeon ‘Candidatus Vulcanisaeta moutnovskia’ sheds light on the evolution of sulfur metabolism. Nature Microbiol., 5, 1428–1438 DOI: 10.1038/s41564-020-0776-z\\
4. Duarte AG, Catarino T, White GF, Lousa L, Neukirchen S, Soares CM, Sousa FL, Clarke TA & Pereira IAC* (2018) An electrogenic redox loop in sulfate reduction reveals a likely widespread mechanism of energy conservation. Nature Comm., 9, 5448. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07839-x\\
5. Rabus R, Venceslau SS, Wöhlbrand L, Voordouw G, Wall JD and Pereira IAC (2015) A Post-Genomic View of the Ecophysiology, Catabolism and Biotechnological Relevance of Sulphate-Reducing Prokaryotes. Adv. Microb. Physiol. 66, 55-321. DOI: 10.1016/bs.ampbs.2015.05.002. \\
6. Martins M, Toste C, Pereira IAC* (2021) Enhanced light‐driven hydrogen production by self‐photosensitized biohybrid systems. Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 60, 9055-9062. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202016960\\
7. Oliveira AR, Mota C, Mourato C, Domingos RM, Santos MFA, Gesto D, Guigliarelli B, Santos-Silva T, Romão MJ*, Pereira IAC* (2020) Toward the mechanistic understanding of enzymatic CO2 reduction. ACS Catalysis, 10, 3844–3856. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00086\\
8. Marques MC, Tapia C, Gutiérrez-Sanz O, Ramos AR, Keller KL, Wall JD, De Lacey AL, Matias PM*, Pereira IAC* (2017) The direct role of selenocysteine in [[NiFeSe]] hydrogenase maturation and catalysis. Nature Chem. Biol., 13, 544-550. DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.2335\\
9. Moore E.E., Andrei V., Zacarias S., Pereira I.A.C., Reisner, E. (2020) Integration of a Hydrogenase in a Lead Halide Perovskite Photoelectrode for Tandem Solar Water Splitting. ACS Energy Letters, 5(1), pp. 232–237. DOI 10.1021/acsenergylett.9b02437\\
10. Miller M, Robinson WE, Oliveira AR, Heidary N, Kornienko N, Warnan J, Pereira IAC, Reisner E (2019) Interfacing Formate Dehydrogenase with Metal Oxides for the Reversible Electrocatalysis and Solar-Driven Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 131, 4649-4653. DOI: 10.1002/ange.201814419