!!Roy Patterson - Selected Publications
Over 100 peer reviewed publications. H index > 50   
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Thwaites, A, Nimmo-Smith, I, Fonteneau, E, Patterson R. D., Buttery, P and Marslen-Wilson, W.D. (2015). “Tracking cortical entrainment in neural activity: auditory processes in human temporal cortex.” Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9:5. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00005

Patterson, R. D. and Irino, T. (2014). “Size matters in hearing: How the auditory system normalizes the sounds of speech and music for source size,” Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 50, 417-440.\\

Andermann, M., Patterson, R. D., Geldhauser, M., Sieroka, N. and Rupp A. (2014).“Duifhuis Pitch: neuromagnetic representation and auditory modelling,” J. Neurophysiology 112:10, 2616-2627.  \\

Griffiths, T. D., Kumar, S., Sedley, W., Nourski, K., Kawasaki, H., Oya, H., Patterson, R. D., Brugge, J. F. and Howard M. A. (2010). “Direct recordings of pitch responses from human auditory cortex,” Current Biology 20, 1128–1132.\\

Moore, B.C.J. Patterson, R.D. Winter, I. Carlyon, R.P. and Gockel H.E. (2013). Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception. (Springer, New York).\\

Irino, T., Aoki, Y., Kawahara, H., and Patterson, R.D. (2012). “Comparison of performance with voiced and whispered speech in word recognition and mean-formant-frequency discrimination,” Speech Communication 54.9, 998-1013.\\

Andermann, M., van Dinther, R, Patterson, R. D. and Rupp, A. (2011). “Neuromagnetic Representation of Musical Register Information in Human Auditory Cortex,” NeuroImage 57.4, 1499–1506.\\

Kumar, S., Sedley, W., Nourski, K. V., Kawasaki, H., Oya, H., Patterson, R. D., Howard, M.  A., Friston, K. J. and Griffiths, T. D. (2011). “Predictive coding and pitch processing in auditory cortex,” J. Cog. Neurosci. 23.10, 3084–3094.\\

Lütkenhöner, B., Seither-Preisler, A. Krumbholz, K. and Patterson, R. D. (2011). “Auditory cortex tracks the temporal regularity of sustained noisy sounds,” Hearing Research 272, 85-94.\\

Vestergaard, M. D., Fyson, N. R. C. and Patterson, R. D. (2011). “The mutual roles of temporal glimpsing and vocal characteristics in cocktail-party listening,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130.1, 429-439.\\

Russo, F. A., Ives, D. T., Goy, H., Pichora-Fuller, M. K. and Patterson R. D. (2011). “Age related difference in melodic pitch perception is probably mediated by temporal processing: Empirical and computational evidence,” Ear and Hearing 33.2, 177–186.\\

Edmonds, B. A., James, R. E., Utev, A., Vestergaard, M. D., Patterson, R. D. and Krumbholz, K (2010). "Evidence for early specialized processing of speech formant information in anterior and posterior human auditory cortex," European J. Neuroscience 32, 684-692\\

Griffiths, T. D., Kumar, S., Sedley, W., Nourski, K., Kawasaki, H., Oya, H., Patterson, R. D., Brugge, J. F. and Howard M. A. (2010). “Direct recordings of pitch responses from human auditory cortex,” Current Biology 20, 1128–1132.\\

Hailstone, J., Crutch, S., Vestergaard, M., Patterson, R. D, Warren, J. (2010). “Progressive associative phonagnosia: a neuropsychological analysis,” Neuropsychologia 48(4), 1104-1114.\\

Ives, D. T., Vestergaard, M. D., Kistler, D. J., and Patterson, R. D. (2010). “Location and acoustic scale cues in concurrent speech recognition,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127(6), 3729-3737.\\

Kriegstein, K. Von,  Smith, D. R. R., Patterson, R. D., Kiebel, S. J. and Griffiths, T. D. (2010). “How the human brain recognizes speech in the context of changing speakers,” J. Neuroscience 30(2), 629–638.\\

Turner, R. E., Walters, T. C., Monaghan, J. J. M. and Patterson, R. D. (2009). “A statistical, formant-pattern model for segregating vowel type and vocal-tract length in developmental formant data,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125.4, 2374–2386.\\

Vestergaard, M. D., Fyson, N. R. C. and Patterson, R. D. (2009). “The interaction of vocal characteristics and audibility in the recognition of concurrent syllables,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125.2, 1114–1124.\\

Smith, D. R. R., Patterson, R. D., Turner, R., Kawahara, H., and Irino, T. (2005). "The processing and perception of size information in speech sounds," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 305-318.\\

Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R. D., Seither-Preisler, A., Lammertmann, C. and Lütkenhöner, B. (2003). Neuromagnetic evidence for a pitch processing centre in Heschl's gyrus. Cerebral Cortex 13 765-772.\\

Warren, J.D., Uppenkamp, S., Patterson, R.D. and Griffiths, T.D. (2003). Separating pitch chroma and pitch height in the human brain. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Vol. 100, No. 17. 10038-10042.\\

Irino, T. and Patterson, R.D. (2002). Segregating Information about the Size and Shape of the Vocal Tract using a Time-Domain Auditory Model: The Stabilised Wavelet-Mellin Transform. Speech Communication 36 181-203\\

Patterson, R.D., Uppenkamp, S., Johnsrude, I. and Griffiths, T. D. (2002). The processing of temporal pitch and melody information in auditory cortex. Neuron 36 767-776.\\

Griffiths, T.D., Uppenkamp, S., Johnsrude, I., Josephs, O. and Patterson, R.D. (2001). Encoding of temporal regularity in the human brainstem. Nature Neuroscience 4 633-637.\\

Pressnitzer, D., Patterson, R.D. and Krumbholz, K. (2001). The lower limit of melodic pitch. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109 2074-2084.\\

Yost, W.A., Patterson, R.D. and Sheft, S. (1998). The role of the envelope in processing iterated rippled noise. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104 2349-2361.\\

Griffiths, T.D., Buechel, C., Frackowiak, R.S.J. and Patterson, R.D. (1998). Analysis of temporal structure in sound by the human brain. Nature Neuroscience 1 422-427.\\

Irino, T. and Patterson, R.D. (1997). "A time-domain. level-dependent auditory filter: the gammachirp," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 412-419.\\

Patterson, R.D., Allerhand, M., and Giguere, C., (1995). "Time-domain modelling of peripheral auditory processing: A modular architecture and a software platform," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 98, 1890-1894.\\

Patterson, R.D. (1994a). "The sound of a sinusoid: Spectral models," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 1409-1418.\\

Patterson, R.D. (1994b). "The sound of a sinusoid: Time-interval models." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 1419-1428.\\

Patterson, R.D., Robinson, K., Holdsworth, J., McKeown, D., Zhang, C. and Allerhand M. (1992). Complex sounds and auditory images. In: Auditory physiology and perception, Y. Cazals, L. Demany, K. Horner (eds), Pergamon, Oxford, 429-446. \\

Patterson, R.D. (1990). Auditory warning sounds in the work environment. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 327, 485-492.\\

Patterson, R.D. (1987). A pulse ribbon model of monaural phase perception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 82, 1560-1586\\

Patterson, R.D., Nimmo-Smith, I., Weber, D.L., and Milroy, R. (1982). The deterioration of hearing with age: Frequency selectivity, the critical ratio, the audiogram, and speech threshold. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 72, 1788-1803.\\

Patterson, R.D. (1976). Auditory filter shapes derived with noise stimuli. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 59, 640-654.