!!Sandip Patel - Publications
Selected from 110 publications.  Total citations: 6463. h-index: 47\\
Gerndt, S., Chen, C.-C., Chao, Y.-K., Yuan, Y., Burgstaller, S., Scotto Rosato, A., Krogsaeter, E., Urban, N., Jacob, K., Nguyen, O. N. P., Miller, M. T., Keller, M., Vollmar, A. M., Gudermann, T., Zierler, S., Schredelseker, J., Schaefer, M., Biel, M., Malli, R., Wahl-Schott, C., Bracher, F., Patel, S., and Grimm, C. (2020) Agonist-mediated switching of ion selectivity in TPC2 differentially promotes lysosomal function, eLife 9, e54712.\\
This paper resolves conflicting reports on the permeability and gating properties of TPC2 and establishes a new paradigm whereby a single ion channel mediates distinct, functionally-relevant ionic signatures on demand.\\
Commentary: Galione A and Morgan A: F1000Prime Recommendation of [[Gerndt S et al., elife 2020 9]. In F1000Prime, 02 Apr 2020; 10.3410/f.737547365.793572771\\
Kilpatrick,B.S., Eden,E.R., Hockey,L.N., Yates,E., Futter,C.E., & Patel,S. (2017) An Endosomal NAADP-Sensitive Two-Pore Ca2+ Channel Regulates ER-Endosome Membrane Contact Sites to Control Growth Factor Signaling. Cell Rep. 18, 1636-1645. \\
First report identifying a role for Ca2+ in regulating physical contact between acidic organelles and the endoplasmic reticulum.\\
Commentary: Docampo R: F1000Prime Recommendations, Dissents and Comments for [[Kilpatrick BS et al., Cell Rep 2017, 18(7):1636-1645]. In F1000Prime, 24 Mar 2017; F1000Prime.com/727307406\\
Melchionda,M., Pittman,J.K., Mayor,R., & Patel,S. (2016) Ca2+/H+ exchange by acidic organelles regulates cell migration in vivo. J. Cell Biol. 212, 803-813.\\
This paper identifies a vertebrate Ca2+/H+ exchanger (CAX) as part of a widespread family of homologues in animals that localizes to acidic organelles, tempers evoked Ca2+ signals, and regulates cell migration.\\
Commentary: Lloyd-Evans,E. (2016) On the move, lysosomal CAX drives Ca2+ transport and motility. J. Cell Biol. 212, 755-757. \\
Hockey,L.N., Kilpatrick,B.S., Eden,E.R., Lin-Moshier,Y., Brailoiu,G.C., Brailoiu,E., Futter,C., Schapira,A.H., Marchant,J.S., & Patel,S. (2015) Dysregulation of lysosomal morphology by pathogenic LRRK2 is corrected by TPC2 inhibition. J. Cell Sci. 128, 232-238.\\
This is the first report to link TPCs to a human disorder identifying TPC2 as novel therapetic target in Parkinson disease.\\
Highlighted as an “In This Issue” article. “Two-pore channels in Parkinson disease” [http://jcs.biologists.org/content/128/2/e0204.full]\\
Love,N.R., Pollak,N., Dolle,C., Niere,M., Chen,Y., Oliveri,P., Amaya,E., Patel,S., & Ziegler,M. (2015) NAD kinase controls animal NADP biosynthesis and is modulated via evolutionarily divergent calmodulin-dependent mechanisms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112, 1386-1391.\\
Patel,S. (2015) Function and dysfunction of two-pore channels. Sci. Signal. 8, re7.\\
Key review covering the expansion of research on TPCs since their identification in 2009 as NAADP targets.\\
Rahman,T., Cai,X., Brailoiu,G.C., Abood,M.E., Brailoiu,E., & Patel,S. (2014) Two-pore channels provide insight into the evolution of voltage-gated Ca2+ and Na+ channels. Sci. Signal. 7, ra109.\\
This paper establishes phylogenetic kindred between TPCs and multi-domain voltage-gated ion channels, shows that TPCs are blocked by clinically used Ca2+ and Na+ channel antagonists, and identifies a novel-clade of TPCs from unicellular organisms. \\
Features on front cover.\\
Commentary: Adler, E. M. (2015) Of ELIC and evolution J.Gen.Physiol 145, 1-2\\
Lin-Moshier,Y., Keebler,M.V., Hooper,R., Boulware,M.J., Liu,X., Churamani,D., Abood,M.E., Walseth,T.F., Brailoiu,E., Patel,S., & Marchant,J.S. (2014) The two-pore channel (TPC) interactome unmasks isoform-specific roles for TPCs in endolysosomal morphology and cell pigmentation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111, 13087-13092.\\
Kilpatrick,B.S., Eden,E.R., Schapira,A.H., Futter,C.E., & Patel,S. (2013) Direct mobilisation of lysosomal Ca2+ triggers complex Ca2+ signals. J. Cell Sci. 126, 60-66.\\
This paper shows the sufficency of lysosomal Ca2+ in triggering complex Ca2+ signals and identifies a novel class of membrane contact sites between lysosomes and the ER. \\
Commentary Petersen O: F1000Prime Recommendation of [[Kilpatrick BS et al., J Cell Sci 2013, 126(Pt 1):60-6]. In F1000Prime, 05 Nov 2013; DOI: 10.3410/f.718157884.793486093. F1000Prime.com/718157884#eval793486093 \\
Brailoiu,E., Churamani,D., Cai,X., Schrlau,M.G., Brailoiu,G.C., Gao,X., Hooper,R., Boulware,M.J., Dun,N.J., Marchant,J.S., & Patel,S. (2009) Essential requirement for two-pore channel 1 in NAADP-mediated calcium signaling. J. Cell Biol. 186, 201-209.\\
Key paper identifying two-pore channels as.the long sought target for NAADP.\\
Highlighted as an “In This Issue” article. “Calcium’s route to freedom” [http://jcb.rupress.org/content/186/2/164.2.full.pdf+html]