!!Robert Parker - Selected Recent Publications

*2005: ''Polytheism and Society at Athens'', Oxford
*2009: ‘Aeschylus’ Gods: Drama, Cult, Theology’, in ''Eschyle à l’aube du theatre occidental'', Vandoeuvres, Entretiens Hardt, LV, 127-154
*2009: ''Interpreting the Athenian Empire'' (with co-edited, with J. Ma and N. Papazarkadas), London
*2010: ‘A Funerary Foundation from Hellenistic Lycia’,, Chiron, 40, 103-120
*2011: ''On Greek Religion'', Cornell UP
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[{Image src='parker_robert_poly.jpg' caption='' height='197' alt='Robert Parker'}]
[{Image src='parker_robert_interpreting.jpg' caption='' height='197' alt='Robert Parker'}]
[{Image src='parker_robert_religion.jpg' caption='' height='197 alt='Robert Parker'}]
[{Image src='parker_robert_athenian.jpg' caption='' height='197' alt='Robert Parker'}]