!!!Maria Paradiso
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__Present and Previous Positions__

*2009- POSITION 1
*1998-2008 POSITION 2
*2021 - present University of Naples Federico II.
*Hab. Full Professor of Geography and Planning, Department of Social Sciences. Geography Unit, University of Sannio in Benevento 
* 2013 Primary Coordinator 7FP People Marie Curie IRSES 'MEDCHANGe' 612639
* 2014 Board Social Sciences Committee
* 2013 Chair, Italian National Committee in International Geographical Union
*2013 CNR- National Council of Research, Italy Representative in IGU 
*2012 Founder and Chair, International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission 'Mediterranean Basin' (COMB)
*2009 - 2012 Coordinator, International Geographical Union 'Mediterranean Renaissance Program
*Vice Chair, International Geographical Union Commission ‘Geography of the Information Society’ 2006-2012
*2005 - 2009 Executive Secretary, International Geographical Union’s ‘Mediterranean Renaissance Program’-MRP
*Associate Director, NETCOM-Networks and Communication Journal, Montpellier
*Founder and Chair, Italian Network on Geography of the Information Society, Italian Geographical Society and AGeI-Association of Italian Geographers
*2013	University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Invited short Visiting mobility, August
*2011 - 2013  Arab-Islamic Geoconomics and Markets, SUN-Second University of Naples, Faculty of Political Studies 'Jean Monnet'
*2010 	Accademia de’ Lincei –Academy of Sciences di Israel: Visiting Research Mobility in Israel.
*2010	People's Republic of China, Keynote World EXPO Shanghai 2010 Forum Commitee 'ICT & Urban Development', Ningbo Shanghai,  May 2010
*2010 	Republique Tunisienne, Min. Education Recherche, CERES-Centre d'Etude Economiques et Sociales, Tunis, Mars 2010 Bilateral Cooperation Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Tunisian Ministery of Foreign Affairs 
*2009	Short Visiting Mobility, National University of Seoul (Korea), Bilateral Cooperation Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korean Ministery of Foreign Affairs, June 
*2005 Visiting Professor, University of Bordeaux 3 ‘Michel de Montaigne’, Department EGIDE-Environment and Geography, France
*2004 Erasmus Visiting Professor, Faculty of Technology and Computer Sciences, University of Bremerhaven, Germany
*2002 Erasmus Visiting Professor, Department EGIDE-Environment and Geography, University of Bordeaux 3 ‘Michel de Montaigne’, France
*2001 Erasmus Visiting Professor, Department EGIDE-Environment and Geography, University of Bordeaux 3 ‘Michel de Montaigne’, France
*2003-04 Visiting Professor, Post MA Master, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
*2000-2003 Board Centre of Excellence ‘Software Technologies’ and WP Leader
*1996-1999 Lecturer, University of Salerno in Benevento, University of Sannio, Benevento
*1993-1996 Research Associate, Instructor, University of Naples, Italy
*1993-1996 Instructor, Part Time, University of Salerno in Benevento
*1992-94 Research Associate, University of Naples, Italy (part time)
*1991 National Council of Research, researcher grantholder, University of Naples, Italy
*1990-1991 Research Associate, Instructor, University of Naples, Italy
*1989-1990 Controller, Central Board Budgeting and Control, Aeritalia s.a.i.p.a, Rome, Italy
*1988-1989 Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant, University of Naples, Italy
*1988-1989 Research Fellow, University of Naples
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*FP7 People Marie Curie IRSES (2011-2013 Call), Coordinator, MEDCHANGe 612639, Granted Project 48 months (2013)
*National Council of Research, Italy, Italian Representative in IGU-International Geographical Union (2013)
*Member, National Committee, ICSU (2013)
*Board, Social Sciences Committee Academia
*Member of Academia Europaea (2010)
*Rejected but ranked highly 'Information society in peripheral regions of developed Mediterranean countries: Regional development and policy', EU-FP7-2007. Substitute-Coordinator and PI, with partners from Israel, France, Greece, and Spain (favorably evaluated by experts, declined for budget limits).
*Accademia de’ Lincei –Academy of Sciences of Israel: Visiting Research Mobility in Israel (2010)
*Chair and Founder, Italian Network ‘Geography of Information Society’ 2007- Italian Geographical Society by Presidential and Committee appointment (2006)
*Chair and Founder, AGEI-Association of Italian Geographers Research Group, Geography of Information and Communication
*University of Bordeaux 3, Board, 2005
* Board, RCOST –Research Centre of Excellence on Software Technologies, Ministery of Research-University of Sannio, 2001-2005
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Paradiso_Maria/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Paradiso_Maria/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Paradiso_Maria/Highlight]
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