!!!Rodolfo Paoletti
[{Image src='Paoletti_Rodolfo.jpg'  alt='Rodolfo Paoletti' height='160'}]
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Rodolfo Paoletti passed away June 29, 2021.
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*1992 Foreign adjunct professor Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
*1986 - 1997 Adjunct professor pathology University Pittsburgh
*1982 - 2000 Dean, School of Pharmacy, University Milan
*1967 - 1970 Professor pharmacology, chairman department, University Cagliari
*1970 Professor, chairman Institute Pharmacol. Sciences, University Milan
*1962 - 1967 Associate professor, University Milan
*1955 - 1962 Assistant professor pharmacology, University Milan
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1962 Medal Prukyne Medical Society Prague
*1963 Award for Atherosclerosis Research, American Academy Arts and Sciences
*1973 Pamiotkowy medal Polish Pharmacological Society
*1977 Kravkov medal Pharmacological Society Soviet Union
*1977 Gold medal President Republican Italy
*1981 Medal Hungarian Society Atherosclerosis
*1982 International prize Madonnina
*1984 Award University Chieti Medical School
*1986 Kaufmann Memorial award International Society Fat Research
*1989 Grande Ufficiale Republican Italy
*1996 Leloir medal Republic Argentina
*1983 Honorary doctor of Medicine, Karolinska Institute
*1985 Honorary doctor of Pharmacy, University Urbino
*1992 President G. Ronzoni Institute Chemistry and Biochemistry
*1992 Pres science committee Center Biologia e Tossicologia Cosmetologia, Milan
*1994 Member National Drug Committee, Rome
*2014 The Rodolfo Paoletti Medal for Distinction in European Pharmacology named after Rodolfo Paoletti, first President of the Federation of European Pharmacological Societies (1990–1997). The medal has been created by EPHAR to honour distinguished pharmacologists who have achieved merits for the discipline of Pharmacology in Europe
*Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences
*Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (correspondent)
*Member of the Italian Society Pharmacology
*Member of the Italian Society Biochemistry
*Member of the Italian Society Study Arteriosclerosis
*Member of the Italian Society Toxicology
*Member of the Italian Society Psychiatric Biology
*Member of the Society Italiana Studio Sostanze Grasse
*Member of the Italian Society Normal and Pathological Metabolism
*Member of the Italian Society Human Nutrition
*Member of the German Medical Society
*Memmber of the Society Italiana Farmacologia Ospedaliera (honorary), 
*Member of the Association Riva Rocci Study and Cure of Arterial Hypertension (honorary)
*Member of the Italian Society Pharmacognosy
*Member of the Italian Pharmacological Society (president 1986-1990)
*Member of the Italian Society Pharmaceutical Sciences (president since 1990)
*Member of the Mediterranean Academy of Sciences
*Member of the Academy National dell'Olivo
*Member of the American Heart Association (correspondent, council atherosclerosis)
*Member of the American Oil Chemists Society
*Member of the American Pharmaceutical Association
*Member of the Federation Nutrition Foundations (president)
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Paoletti_Rodolfo/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Paoletti_Rodolfo/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Paoletti_Rodolfo/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Paoletti_Rodolfo/OtherInformation]

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