!!Mehmet Olmez - Selected Publications
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2007 Tuwinischer Wortschatz mit alttürkischen und mongolischen Parallelen, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007.\\

2008 Li, Yong-song, Lee Ho-young, Choi Hyong-won, Kim Geon Sook, Lee Dong Eun, Mehmet Ölmez,  A Study of the Middle Chulym Dialect of the Chulym Language, Seoul National University Press, Seoul 2008.\\

2012 Orhon-Uygur Hanlığı Dönemi Moğolistan’daki Eski Türk Yazıtları, Metin-Çeviri-Sözlük, [[Old Turkic Inscriptions from Mongolia Orkhon-Uighur Era, Text, translation and glossary] BilgeSu 2012, Ankara [[3th edition 2015].\\

2014 Türk Dilleri. Giriş. [[Turkic Languages. Introduction] Talat Tekin, Mehmet Ölmez, BilgeSu 2014 Ankara, new edition.\\

2015 Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Biographie V, [[Old Turkic Xuanzang Biography, chapter 5] Siglinde Dietz, Mehmet Ölmez, Klaus Röhrborn. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2015.

2017 Köktürkçe ve Eski Uygurca Dersleri, [[Old Turkic and Old Uyghur Lessons]  Mehmet Ölmez. Kesit, Istanbul 2017.
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2013 “Moğolların Gizli Tarihi ve Sözvarlığı Üzerine” [[Secret History of Mongols and its Vocabulary (from Turcological side)], Bengü Beläk. Ahmet Bican Ercilasun Armağanı, ed. Bülent Gül, Ankara 2013: 377-384.\\

2014  “Poznan'da Türkolojinin 10 Yılı: Türkiye, Kazakistan ve Kırım” [[10 Years of Turcology at Poznan: Turkey, Kazakhstan and Crimea], Türk Dili, vol. CVII, Nr. 753, Eylül 2014, s. 49-53\\

2015 “Some Specific Features of the Language of Siberian Runic Inscriptions”, Interpreting the Turkic Runiform Sources and the Position of the Altai Corpus, Irina Nevskaya & Marcel Erdal (eds.), Berlin 2015: 122-130.\\

2015 “What Should a new Edition of the Old Turkic Inscriptions Look Like”, International Journal of Eurasian Studies / 歐亞學刊, II, 2015: 80-93.\\

2017 “Endangered Turkic Languages from China”, Endangered Languages of the Caucasus and Beyond, ed. by Ramazan Korkmaz and G. Doğan, Brill: 135-150.