!!Stephane Oliet - Selected publications
Papouin T, Ladepeche L, Ruel J, Labasque, M, Hirawi M, Sacchi S, Groc L, Pollegioni L, Mothet JP and Oliet SHR (2012) Synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptors use a different co-agonist.  Cell, 150:633-46\\
Massa F, Koehl M, Wiesner T, Grosgean N, Revest JM, Piazza PV, Abrous DN and Oliet SHR (2011) Conditional inhibition of adult neurogenesis impairs hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 108(16):6644-6649\\
Henneberger C, Papouin T, Oliet SHR* and Rusakov DA* (2010) Long term potentiation depends on release of D-serine from astrocytes. Nature 463: 232-236 (*corresponding authors)\\
Panatier A, Theodosis DT, Mothet JP, Touquet B, Pollegioni L, Poulain DA and Oliet SHR (2006) Glia-derived D-serine controls NMDA receptor activity and regulates synaptic memory. Cell 125, 775-784.\\
Piet R, Vargova L, Sykova E, Poulain DA and Oliet SHR (2004) Physiological contribution of the astrocytic environnement of neurons on intersynaptic crosstalk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA., 1001, 2151-2155.\\
Oliet SHR, Piet R and Poulain DA (2001) Control of glutamate clearance and synaptic efficacy by glial coverage of neurons. Science 292, 923-926.\\
Oliet SHR and Bourque CW (1996) Gadolinium uncouples mechanical detection and osmoreceptor potential in supraoptic neurons. Neuron 16, 175-181. \\
Oliet SHR, Malenka RC and Nicoll RA (1996) Bidirectional control of quantal size by synaptic activity in the hippocampus. Science 271, 1293-1297.\\
Oliet SHR, Malenka RC and Nicoll RA (1997) Two distinct forms of long-term depression coexist in CA1 hippocamapal pyramidal cells. Neuron 18, 969-982.\\
Oliet SHR and Bourque CW (1993) Mechanosensitive channels transduce osmosensitivity in supraoptic neurones. Nature 364, 341-343.\\
__Total citations (ISI):__ 3353, H-index 27