!!Stephane Oliet - Curriculum Vitae
*1995: Ph.D. in Neurological Sciences, McGill University; \\
*2003: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, University of Bordeaux Segalen
*1994-1996  Post-doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology, UCSF\\
*1997-2004  CNRS Research Associate, INSERM U.378, Institut François Magendie, Bordeaux\\
*2004-2006 CNRS Research Director (Group Leader), INSERM U.378, Bordeaux\\
*2007-2010 Head of the team “Integrative Physiology of Neuroendocrine Systems”, Inserm U862\\
*2009-present Deputy Director, Inserm U862, Neurocentre Magendie\\
*2011-2014 Head of the team “Glia-Neuron interactions”, Inserm U862
*1988-89: Servier Research Institute Studentship \\
*1992-94: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Studentship \\
*1992-93: Max E. Binz Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research, McGill University  \\
*1995:  Dean's Honour List, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research, McGill University\\
*1994-96: International Human Frontier Science Program Organization, Long-Term Research    Fellowship\\
*2006 Special award from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale\\
*2006 Annual Award from the magazine La Recherche (Human Health)\\
*2007 NARSAD Independent Investigator\\
*2008 Asgard program exchange, French Embassy in Norway\\
*2008 Pairing Scheme (European exchange program between MP and scientist)\\
*2009 Medal of the City of Bordeaux\\
*2010-2013 Prime d’Excellence scientifique (PES; CNRS)\\
*2012 Prix spécial France Alzheimer
*2000  Equipment grant, Association for Medical Research in Aquitaine (ARMA)\\
*2001 Equipment grant, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale \\
*2001-2003 Young Investigator Research grant, French Ministry of Research (ACI Jeunes Chercheurs)\\
*2002-2003 Research Grant, Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine\\
*2005  Collaborative Grant from the French Ministry of Education,  Programme EGIDE\\
*2005-2008 Operating Grant, French National Research Agency (ANR) “Astrocytic exocytosis”\\
*2006-2009 Research Grant, Human Frontier Science Program Organization \\
*2006-2009 Operating Grant, French National Research Agency (ANR) “Adult Neurogenesis” \\
*2007-2013 Inserm (part of institutional grant to Inserm U862)\\
*2007-2008 Equipment grant, Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (FRC) \\
*2007-2009 NARSAD Independent Investigator Grant \\
*2008-2010 Operating Grant, French National Research Agency (ANR) “Hippocampal D-serine” \\
*2008-2010 Operating grant, “Equipe FRM” (FRM team)\\
*2008-2010 Collaborating grant, Institut de Recherche Servier \\
*2008-2009  Research Grant, Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine\\
*2009-2012 Marie Curie Initial Training Network, EdU-GLIA\\
*2009-2010  Research Grant, Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine \\
*2010-2014 Marie Curie Return Grant (for Aude Panatier)\\
*2011-2012 Research Grant, Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine \\
*2012-2013 LabEx BRAIN funding \\
*2012-2015 Operating Grant, French National Research Agency (ANR) “Super-resolution imaging of the tripartite synapse” \\
*2013-2014 France-Alzheimer, Prix special \\
*2013-2014 LabEx BRAIN \\
*2013-2014 LabEx TRAIL \\
*2013-2016 Operating grant, “Equipe FRM” 
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__SUPERVISION:__ 5 postdocs, 8 PhD, 10 MSc students
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Demonstrator in the CNS labaratory course, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University; Biology Graduate Program, University of Montpellier; Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Bordeaux 2; Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Paris 6 et 7;  Instructor at the PENS Synapse Summer School, Bordeaux
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General Secretary, Organizing Committee, 3rd World Congress on Neurohypophysial Hormones; Organization of the symposium « Neurones et cellules gliales : des relations électriques », 6e Colloque de la Société des Neurosciences, Rouen; Organization of the weekly Neurobiology seminar series at the Bordeaux Neuroscience Institute; Member of the University Scientific Council, University of Bordeaux 2; Member of the organizing committee, European Synapse Summer School, PENS training center, Bordeaux France; Organization and chairman of the symposium « Gliotransmitters in action », 5th FENS Forum, Vienna, Austria; Chairman of the symposium « Glial communications in the brain», Riken Brain Science Institute, Wako-Shi, Japan; Co-organizer of the 5th Synapse Symposium, Bordeaux Neuroscience Institute; Organizer of the symposium “Tripartite synapses: from hypothesis to reality?”, Satellite   symposium of the 7th FENS Forum, Amsterdam July 2010; President, AERES evaluation committee, Neuroscience Department, Pasteur Institute; Member of the Board of Education of Neurasmus, European Erasmus Mundus Master Program; Member of Neurocampus Scientific Committee; Member of the Academic Council, Nouvelle Université de Bordeaux (NUB); President of the Inserm Neuroscience Study Section (CSS6); Expert, ITMO neuroscience; Program Committee FENS Officer; ATIP/Avenir Program (CNRS-INSERM) Evaluating Committee; Member of the Permanent Advisory Board of the International Astrocyte School; Section Editor, Neuroscience; Scientific Board, Magazine « Chercheurs d’Aquitaine »; Review Editor, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience;  eview editor, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience; Member of the Administrative Council, University of Bordeaux 2
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American Journal of Physiology, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Brain, Brain Research,Brain Research Bulletin, Cerebral Cortex, Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, EMBO Journal, European Journal of Neuroscience, Experimental Brain Research, Glia, Journal of Neurochemistry, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Journal of Physiology, London, Journal of Physiology, Paris, Life Sciences, Molecular Pharmacology, Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience Reviews, Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, PLoS Biology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Science, Trends in Neurosciences, Agence d’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (AERES), Agence National de la Recherche (ANR), Biotechnology and biomedical Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, UK), Conseil Régional Rhône-Alpes, Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS, Belgium), Fondation Française pour la Recherche sur l’Epilepsie, Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla, Human Frontier Science Program, Idex Sorbonne Paris Cité, La Fondation Motrice, Lottery Health Research, New Zeland, Israeli Science Foundation, Medical Research Council (MRC, UK), UCSF (USA), University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (USA), Ville de Paris (City of Paris), Welcome Trust (UK)