!!Colin O'Dowd - Selected Publications
__Researcher ID:__ [http://www.researcherid. com/rid/K-8904-2012] \\
__Orcid:__ [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3068-2212] \\
__Scopus Author ID:__ 7006708207\\
\\ \\
Source  Scopus Res.ID ISI Google\\
Publications  358 264 703\\
Peer Review 266 260 272 \\
Citations 13,613 13,113 13,163  19,532\\
h-index  60 57 57 71\\
10 Highly-cited papers,\\
Highly-Cited Researcher 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017\\
6 Nature papers as senior author, 1 Science paper.\\
Average citations per article: 50.43\\
__Selected papers to illustrate the high impact can be grouped into 3 thematic areas:__  (i) Primary Marine Aerosol formation (papers 1-4) ; (ii) Secondary (new particle) Aerosol Formation  (papers 5-7);  and (iii) Cloud microphysics, activation and precipitation (papers 8-10);. The citations (total and estimated average per year) are also listed at the end of each citation (total, per year)\\

1. O'Dowd, CD; Facchini,  MC; Cavalli,  F; Ceburnis,  D; Mircea,  M; Decesari,  S; Fuzzi,  S; Yoon,  YJ; Putaud,  JP, Biogenically driven organic contribution to marine aerosol,  Nature, Vol: 431,  Pages: 676-680, doi: 10.1038/nature02959, 2004. (486, 37)\\

2. Ovadnevaite, J., A. Manders, G. de Leeuw, D. Ceburnis, C. Monahan, A. I. Partanen, . . . C. D. O'Dowd, A sea spray aerosol flux parameterization encapsulating wave state. Atmos Chem Phys 14, 1837 (2014). (29, 7.5)\\

3. O'Dowd, C. D.,  G. De Leeuw, Marine aerosol production: a review of the current knowledge. Philos T R Soc A 365, 1753 (Jul 15, 2007).  (296, 30)\\

4. O'Dowd, C., Ceburnis, D., Ovadnevaite, J., Bialek, J., Stengel, D. B., Zacharias, M., Nitschke, U., Connan, S., Rinaldi, M., Fuzzi, S., Decesari, S., Facchini, M. C., Marullo, S., Santoleri, R., Dell'Anno, A., Corinaldesi, C., Tangherlini, M. and Danovaro, R, Connecting marine productivity  to sea-spray via microscale biological proceses: Phytoplankton Dance or Death Disco? Sci. Reports 5, 14883 doi:10.1038/srep14883, 2015.  (18, 7)\\

5. O'Dowd, CD; Aalto, P; Hameri, K; Kulmala, M; Hoffman, T;  Aerosol formation - Atmospheric particles from organic vapours:  Nature,  Vol: 416, Pages: 497-498, doi:10.1038/416497a2002, 2002  (350,24)\\

6. O'Dowd, CD; Jimenez,  JL; Bahreini,  R; Flagan,  RC; Seinfeld,  JH; Hameri,  K; Pirjola,  L; Kulmala,  M; Jennings,  SG; Hoffmann,  T , Marine aerosol formation from biogenic iodine emissions:  Nature, Vol: 417,   Pages: 632-636, doi: 10.1038/nature00775, 2002.  (436, 29)\\

7. Sipilä, M, N Sarnela, T Jokinen, H Hensc.hel, H Junninen, J Kontkanen, S Richters, J Kangasluoma, A Franchin, O Peräkylä, M P Rissanen, M Ehn, H Vehkamäki, T Kurten, T Berndt, T Petäjä, D Worsnop, D Ceburnis, V-M Kerminen, M Kulmala, C O’Dowd, Molecular-scale evidence of aerosol particle formation via sequential addition of HIO3, Nature, 532-534, Vol. 537, \\doi: 10.1038/nature19314, 2016.  (18, 12)\\

8.  J. Ovadnevaite, D. Ceburnis, G. Martucci, J. Bialek, C. Monahan, M. Rinaldi, . . . C. O'Dowd, Primary marine organic aerosol: A dichotomy of low hygroscopicity and high CCN activity. Geophys Res Lett 38,  (Nov, 2011) (57, 8.8).\\

9. Ovadnevaite, J., A. Zuend, A. Laaksonen, K.J. Sanchez, G. Roberts, D. Ceburnis, S. Decesari, M. Rinaldi, N. Hodas, M.C. Facchin, J.H. Seinfeld and C. O’ Dowd, Surface Tension Prevails Over Solute-Effect in Organic-Influenced Cloud Droplet Activation, Nature\\DOI 10.1038/nature22806, 2017  (8, 12 )\\

10. Rosenfeld, C; Lohmann, U; Raga, G B; CD O’Dowd; M Kulmala, S Fuzzi,, A Reissell, M. O. Andreae, Flood or drought: How do aerosols affect precipitation?   Science,  Vol: 321,1309-1313, doi: 10.1126/`science.1160606, 2008.  (768,  76)