!!Colin O'Dowd - Curriculum Vitae
__Researcher ID:__  [http://www.researcherid. com/rid/K-8904-2012] \\
__ORCID:__ [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3068-2212] \\
__Scopus Author ID:__ [7006708207]\\
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Source  Scopus Res.ID ISI Google\\
Publications  358 264 703\\
Peer Review 266 260 272 \\
Citations 13,613 13,113 13,163  19,532\\
h-index  60 57 57 71\\
10 Highly-cited papers,\\
Highly-Cited Researcher 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017\\
6 Nature papers as senior author, 1 Science paper.\\
Average citations per article: 50.43\\
__FUNDING:__ Colin O'Dowd has procured ~85 grants, worth ~ €24M in competitive funding over 22 years. \\
Leadership (e.g. Management Committee or Coordinator) in many national and international large scale collaborative projects (e.g. MAP (Marine Aerosol Production,  EC, €2.6M, 16 partners + 3 associate partners); PARFORCE (New particle formation and fate in the coastal environment; EC, €0.98M, 11 partners, 1997-2000). EUCAARI (European Integrated Project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality interactions - 47 partners); Chair -Aerosol & Cloud Joint Research Programme, FP6 NoE ACCENT  (2003-2009, €11M – 39 partners);  QUEST (Quantification of Nucleation in Europe)  (2001-2004).\\
__MENTORING & SUPERVISION:__ 19 PhD/MSc students graduated, 5 current, 5 international interns, 47 postdocs/researchers, and 18 visiting scientists. Member of Nature’s Mentoring Award Panel for Ireland (2015).\\
__EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES:__ Journal of Geophysical Research – [[Atmospheres]] Joint Editor-in-Chief from 2000-2008.  He has been guest Editor of numerous journals. Current: Editorial Board member with Nature' Scientific Reports and Nature's Atmospheric Science and Climate Change journals.\\
Three-times Co-Chair of the International Committee on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, ex-officio Member of the International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation, Member of the RIA’s Climate Change Science Committee, member of the EPA Advisory Board appoint by the Minister for Environment.\\
__DISSEMENATION & MEDIA ACTIVITIES:__ more than 90 media events (articles and TV/Radio interviews).  See [http://www.macehead.org] (under news> media news).  \\
__Selected radio and video footage to look at:__
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(1) Newstalk, 19-December 2012 Prof O’Dowd on ash cloud research funded by ESA\\
(2) C-CAPS Short Film Common Issues Air Pollution & Climate Change\\ \\