!!Stephane Noselli - Curriculum Vitae
__Current Positions__
*Director, Institut de Biologie Valrose - iBV, Univ. Côte d'Azur, CNRS, INSERM (300 persons -  28 Research Teams) *Group Leader (ATIPE-CNRS; EMBO YIP) - iBV-Nice, UMR 7277 CNRS, UMR1091 Inserm  'Morphogenesis and Left-Right Asymmetry in Drosophila'-\\
*Director, LABEX SIGNALIFE (49 Teams, 500 persons, 11M€) (2012-2022)
*1998-2000 Sabbatical at Harvard Medical School - Laboratory of Pr. N. Perrimon. Boston-USA\\
*1998 'Habilitation to supervise research' (HDR). University P. Sabatier, Toulouse\\
*1992-1998 Group Leader (Centre de Biologie du Développement, Toulouse).\\
*1988-1992 PhD Thesis, University P. Sabatier, Toulouse. (" Très Honorable, Félicitations du Jury ")\\
*August 1990  EMBO practical course. MPI, Tübingen. (Organizers C. Nüsslein-Volhard and E. Wieschauss)
__Institutional Responsabilities & Commissions of Trust (selected)__
*Director, IBV CNRS INSERM UNS (2012-2017) (2018-2022)\\
*Director, IBDC-Nice UMR6543 CNRS UNS (2008-2011)\\
*Director, LABEX SIGNALIFE (49 Teams, 500 persons, 11M€) (2012-2022)\\
*Member, Inserm Scientific Council (2013-2017)\\
*Member, CEFIPRA Scientific Council (French & India Foreign Affairs) 2013-2018\\
*Member, Evaluation Committee of the 'Institut Universitaire de France' (IUF)(2014-2016)\\
*President, AERES Committee: CRBM Montpellier (2009);  UPR9022 'Insect immunity' (2012)\\
*Vice-president, AERES Committee, CIRB Collège de France (2013)\\
*Vice- President, ANR Committee 'Biologie Cellulaire & Développement' (2007-2010, 2014, 2017, 2018)\\
*Member, Scientific Advisory Board :  'Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine' (IBPS);  'Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle' (IGFL), Lyon ; 'Institut de Génétique Humaine' (IGH), Montpellier
__Conference Organization__ 
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1er joint Meeting of SFBD/BSDB (Nice, 2003) | 'Conférence Annuelle Française sur la Drosophile/French Drosophila Conference' (St Jean Cap-Ferrat, CAFD 2006) | European Drosophila Research Conference EDRC (Nice, 2009) | 2nd joint Meeting of the SFBD/BSDB (Nice, 2011)\\
__Invited Conferences (Meetings/Institutes):__ 100+\\
__Publications (60):__ Nature, Science, Cell, Nature Communications, PLoS Biology, Developmental Cell, Genes & Development, Cell Reports, Current Biology, Development, PLoS Genetics, EMBO Reports, Developmental Biology, etc..; \\ \\
__Invited Reviews:__ Science, Nature Cell Biology, Current Biology, Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Trends in Genetics, EMBO Reports, Genesis\\ \\