!!Rubén Nogueiras - Curriculum Vitae
*2003 University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), (PhD, "Magna Cum Laude"), "extraordinary thesis award" by the USC\\
*2001 USC, Master Thesis\\
*1999 USC, Graduation in Biological Sciences
Lecturer at USC since 2009 for Bachelors in Biology, Pharmacy and Optics and Optometry and Master students in biomedical research\\
Currently supervising 11 (6 postdocs, 5 graduate students); supervised 11 graduate students since 2012\\
__Funding (Selection):__
*ERC Synergy Grant: Well-Aging and the Tanycytic Control of Health, 2019-2026 (EUR 2.497.500)\\
*ERC Starting Grant: p53 as a New Mediator of Energy Balance in the Brain, 2011-2017 (EUR 1.477.680)\\
*European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) Grant, 2019-2021 (EUR 99.000). \\
*Total funding amount since 2009: EUR 8.049.576
__Invited Lectures (Selection):__\\
24th Austrian Pharmacological Society Meeting, 2018; 53rd Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Portugal, 2019; FENS Virtual Meeting, 2020; German Neuroscience Society Meeting, 2021; European Congress of Endocrinology; 18th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes, 2022; 24th European Congress of Endocrinology, Italy, 2022; International Liver Congress, London, UK, 2022
__Editorial Board Member:__ \\
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Molecular Metabolism, Peptides, Endocrinology, Metabolism\\
__Reviewer for International Institutions (Selection):__\\
Foundation Research Medicale (FRM) (France); Danish Council for Independent Research/Medical Sciences; Czech Science Foundation; InBev-BAILLET LATOUR (IBL) (Belgium); Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Diabetes UK (UK); French National Research Agency (ANR); Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP); Medical Research Council, UK; Axa Foundation, Netherlands; Swiss National Foundation; European Research Council (ERC)\\
__Conference Organizer (Selection):__ \\
EMBO Workshop Organ crosstalk in energy balance and metabolic disease (Cadiz, Spain 2019), EMBO Workshop Energy balance in metabolic disorders (Malaga, Spain 2022)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit rnogueiras}][{ALLOW upload rnogueiras}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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