!!Galit Nimrod - Biography
Galit Nimrod, Ph.D., is a full professor at the Department of Communication Studies and a research fellow at the Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Aging at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and she was a Fulbright post-doctoral scholar in the Gerontology Center and the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Georgia, US. \\
Aiming to contribute to the understanding of well-being in later life, Prof. Nimrod studies psychological and sociological aspects of leisure, media, and technology use among older adults. She has published extensively about those issues both in leisure studies, gerontology, and communication journals of high merit and prestige while presenting at numerous international conferences and seminars. Her publications are available at [https://bgu.academia.edu/GalitNimrod]. \\
The nature of her research is theoretical, cross-cultural, and inter-disciplinary. It combines knowledge and methods from various fields including sociology, psychology, mass communication, new media, robotics, gerontology, social work, and culture studies. Yet, it has a clear and rather practical aspiration – to contribute to developing adequate leisure, media, and cultural services and in so doing contributing to a better quality of life for disadvantaged groups.\\ \\