!!Jiří Niederle

*Full professor of Theoretical physics at Charles University, Prague, 1995
*DSc. in Physics and Mathematics, Prague, 1987
*Assoc. prof. of Theoretical physics at Charles University, Prague, 1979
*CSc. (equiv. of PhD) at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of CR, Prague, 1967
*Eng. (equiv. of MSc) in the Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physics, CTU Prague, 1961
__Research Interests:__ 
*''Mathematical Physics:'' Representation theory of Lie algebras, superalgebras and groups; Theory of nonlinear equations; Involutive symmetries of partial differential equations; Integrable systems; Complete sets of functions; Contractions and Deformations of Lie Groups and their representations
*''Theoretical particle physics:'' Gauge formulations of theories of gravity and of other fundamenal interactions of particles, unification of various theories of fundamental interactions, relativistic and conformal quantum field theory, supergravity theory, local and global symmetries and supersymmetries in particle physics and their spontaneous breakings
__Other activities:__
*Chairman of the Organizing Committee of 12 International Conferences
*Member of the executive board of the Union of the Czech mathematicions and physicists (1984, 1987, 1990, 1992)
*Member of the Council of the European Physical Society (1981-1984)
*Founding member of the International Association of Mathematical Physicists (1982-)
*Member of the Mathematical Physics Committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (1987-1993)
*Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics AS CR (1990-1992, 1997-)
*Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University (1998-)
*Member of the Scientific Council of the Czech Technical University (1999-)
*Member of the Czech Assoc. of the Rome Club (1991-)
*Member of the High Energy Physics Committee of the EPS (1992-1998)
*Member of the American-Czech Education Found (1992-)
*Member of the CERN Council, (1992-; 3x its vice-president)
*Representative of the Czech Republic in the NATO Sci. Committee (1992-1995)
*Member of the Presidency of the Academy of Sciences of the CR (1990-1997)
*President of the Academy Council for International Affairs (1990-1997)
*Advisor of the Committee of the Parlament of the Czech Rep. for Science, Research, Technology Developments (1996-1998)  
__Member of Editorial Boards:__ 
*Reports of Mathematical Physics (1964-1990), 
*Letters in Math. Physics (1967-), 
*Communication in Math.and Theor. Physics (1998-),
*Encyclopedia Moderna (founding member, 1992),etc.