!!Martine Nida-Rümelin - Selected Publications
__Monographs:__ \\
"Philosophical Fundamentals for Scientific Studies of Consciousness", Jean-Nicod-Lectures, 2019, under contract with MIP\\
"Conscious Individuals - Sketch of a Theory", under contract with OUP\\
"Der Blick von Innen. Identität bewusstseinsfähiger Wesen über die Zeit. " Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, Frankfurt a. M., 2006, translation in preparation. \\
__Peer-reviewed articles:__ \\
2021. “Experiencing Subjects and so-called Mineness”, in Garcia-Carpinteiro, M. & Guillot, M., The Sense of Mineness, Oxford University Press, 2021\\
2018.  “The experience-property framework – a misleading paradigm”, Synthese 195 (8): 3361-3387. 2018.\\
2018.  “Freedom and the Phenomenology of Agency”, Erkenntnis, 83(1): 61-87. \\
2017. "Self-Awareness", Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (1): 55-82. 2017.\\
2012. “The non-descriptive nature of conscious individuals”, in Georg Gasser & Matthias Stefan (eds.), Personal Identity. Complex or Simple? Cambridge University Press : 157-176, 2012.\\
2006.  “Grasping Phenomenal Properties“, in Torin Alter & Sven Walter, Phenomenal concepts and phenomenal knowledge, Oxford University Press : 307-338, 2007. \\
1998.  „On Belief about Experiences. An Epistemological Distinction Applied to the Knowledge Argument“, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 : 51-73.
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