!!!Grégoire Nicolis
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Grégoire Nicolis passed away October 18, 2018.
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__Positions Held__
*2004 Professor Emeritus, Université Libre de Bruxelles
*Founder and director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Université Libre de Bruxelles
*1989 - 1990 Francqui chair Professor at the University of Louvain
*1988 - 2004 Director of the service de Chimie Physique
*1968 - 2004 Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
*Visiting Professor at the Universities of Texas (1972), Oregon (1976), Notre-Dame (1976), Paris (1975, 1986, 1991) and Geneva (1979)
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1970 Théophile De Donder Prize of the Belgian Royal Academy
*1975  Associate member of the Classe des Sciences of the Royal Academy of Belgium 
*1992 Corresponding member of the Academy of Athens
*Member of the European Academy of Sciences
*Honorary professor of the Faculty of Science of the University of Chile
*Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Chile 
*1994 - 1997 Member of the European Science and Technology Assembly
*1996 - 1999 Member of the Physics panel of Marie Curie fellowships of the European Commission
*2004 - 2006 Member of the evaluation panel of the NEST program of the European Commission
*Member of the European and American Physical Societies
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Nicolis_Grégoire/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Nicolis_Grégoire/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Nicolis_Grégoire/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Nicolis_Grégoire/OtherInformation]

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