!!Peter Neumann - Selected publications
140 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, 39 popular articles, 177 conference proceedings, 3551 citations, h-index: 32, i10-index: 78, ResearchGate score = 39.60 [[26.08.2014]\\
Neumann P, Koeniger N, Koeniger G, Tingek S, Kryger P, Moritz RFA (2000) Home site fidelity in migratory honeybees. Nature 406: 474-475. (cited 24 times, 38.60 Impact Factor)\\
Pirk CWW, Neumann P, Hepburn HR, Moritz RFA, Tautz J (2004) Egg viability and worker policing in honeybees. PNAS 101: 8649–8651. (cited 52 times, 9.74 Impact Factor)\\
Neumann P, Elzen PJ (2004) The biology of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae): Gaps in our knowledge of an invasive species. Apidologie 35: 229-247.  (cited 91 times,  2.16 Impact Factor)\\
Moritz RFA, Härtel S, Neumann P (2005) Global invasions of the western honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and consequences for biodiversity. Ecoscience 12: 289-301. (cited 65 times, 1.35 Impact Factor)\\
Neumann P, Carreck N (2010) Honey bee colony losses. J Apic Res 49: 1-6. (cited 178 times, 1.93 Impact Factor)\\
Aebi A, Neumann P (2011) Endosymbionts and honey bee colony losses? Trends Ecol Evol 26: 494. (cited 8 times, 15.39 Impact) \\
Aebi A, Vaissière BE, van Engelsdorp D, Delaplane K, Roubik DW, Neumann P (2012) Back to the future: Apis vs. non-Apis pollination. Trends Ecol Evol 27: 142-143. (cited 16 times, 15.39 Impact )\\
Dainat B, Evans JD, Chen YP, Gauthier L, Neumann P (2012) Predictive markers of honey bee colony collapse. PLoS ONE, PONE-D-11-14855R1, e3215. (cited 44 times,  3.73 Impact Factor)\\
Neumann P, Yañez O, Fries I, de Miranda JR (2012) Varroa invasion and virus adaptation. Trends in Parasitology 28: 353-354. (cited 1 time, 5.51 Impact Factor)\\
Sandrock C, Tanadini LG, Pettis JS, Biesmeijer JC, Potts SG, Neumann P (2013) Sublethal neonicotinoid insecticide exposure reduces solitary bee reproductive success. Agr For Entomol, DOI: 10.1111/afe.12041. (cited 1 time, 1.47 Impact Factor)