!!John Neubauer - Curriculum Vitae
[In Memoriam John Neubauer|http://www.uva.nl/shared-content/faculteiten/nl/faculteit-der-geesteswetenschappen/nieuws/2015/10/in-memoriam-john-neubauer.html], University of Amsterdam (in Dutch)
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Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature, University of Amsterdam\\
*B.A. (cum laude, physics) Amherst College 1960
*M.S. (physics)  Northwestern U. 1962
*M.A. (German) Northwestern Univ. 1962
*Ph.D. (German) Northwestern U. 1965
*Instructor  Princeton University, 1964 - 1966\\
*Assistant Professor Princeton University, 1966 - 1969\\
*Associate Professor Case Western Reserve University, 1969 - 1973\\
*Associate Professor University of Pittsburgh, 1973 1976\\
*Professor University of Pittsburgh, 1976 - 1983\\
*Second App., Hist. & Philos. of Science, U. Pittsburgh 1974-1983\\
*Professor of Comparative Literature, U. of Amsterdam    1983 - 2003
*Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1967 - 1968\\
*University of British Columbia, Summer, 1972\\
*Harvard University Fall, 1979\\
*Princeton University Spring, 1986\\
*Universität Essen Summer, 1991\\
*Catholic University of America, Fall 1996\\
*Fulbright Research Grant, Fed. Rep. of Germany, 1972 1973\\
*Guggenheim Fellowship, 1980 1981\\
*Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, 1987 - 1988\\
*Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, 1999 - 2000\\
*Collegium Budapest, 2004-2005\\
*Collegium Budapest, 2007\\
Corresponding Member, British Academy, 1996-\\
*Executive Committee, ICLA, 1988-1994\\
*Chair, Dutch Comparative Literature Society, 1989 - 1992\\
*Member, Coordinating Committee, ICLA, 1993 - 2005\\
*Member, Committee on Theory, ICLA, 2006 - 2013\\
*Co-Editor, Arcadia, 1996-\\
*Advisory and Editorial Boards: Comparative Literature Studies (1986), Neohelicon (2000-), Central Europe (2003-), Comparative Critical Studies (2004-)