!!Felix Naef - Publications
Citations (source: Google scholar Feb 17 2021)\\
Total: citations  9793, h-index 48,  i10-index 82\\
Since 2016: citations 4282,  h-index 36, i10-index 58\\
__Selected top 10 publications__\\
__Last five years (from 2016):__\\
1) C. Droin, J. El Kholtei, K. Bahar Halpern, C. Hurni, M. Rozenberg, S. Muvkadi, S. Itzkovitz, F. Naef, “Space-time logic of liver gene expression at sublobular scale”, Nature Metabolism 3(1), (2021).\\
[[citations: 1]\\
2) C. Gobet, B.D. Weger, J. Marquis, E. Martin, N. Neelagandan, F. Gachon, F. Naef, “Robust landscapes of ribosome dwell times and aminoacyl-tRNAs in response to nutrient stress in liver”, PNAS 117(17), (2020).\\
[[citations: 6]\\
3) C. Droin, E.R. Paquet, F. Naef, “Low-dimensional dynamics of two coupled biological oscillators”, Nature Physics, 15 (10), (2019).\\
[[citations: 8]\\
4) D. Nicolas, B. Zoller, D.M. Suter, F. Naef, “Modulation of transcriptional burst frequency by histone acetylation”, PNAS, 115(27), p. 7153-7158, (2018).\\
[[citations: 64]\\
5) J. Mermet, J. Yeung, C. Hurni, D. Mauvoisin, K. Gustafson, C. Jouffe, D. Nicolas, Y. Emmenegger, C. Gobet, P. Franken, F. Gachon, F. Naef, “Clock-dependent chromatin topology modulates circadian transcription and behavior”, Genes Dev, 32(5-6), p. 347-358, (2018).\\
[[citations: 48]\\
6) J. Yeung, J. Mermet, C. Jouffe, J. Marquis, A. Charpagne, F. Gachon, F. Naef, “Transcription factor activity rhythms and tissue-specific chromatin interactions explain circadian gene expression across organs”, Genome Res, 28(2), p. 182-191, (2018).\\
[[citations: 53]\\
__Before 2016:__\\
7) B. Zoller, D. L. Nicolas, N. Molina and F. Naef, “Structure of silent transcription intervals and noise characteristics of mammalian genes”, Mol Syst Biol, 11(7), p. 823-823, (2015).\\
[[citations: 77]\\
8) J. Bieler, R. Cannavo, K. Gustafson, C. Gobet, D. Gatfield and F. Naef, “Robust synchronization of coupled circadian and cell cycle oscillators in single mammalian cells”, Mol Syst Biol, 10, p. 739, (2014).\\
[[citations: 170]\\
9) D. M. Suter, N. Molina, D. Gatfield, K. Schneider, U. Schibler, F. Naef, "Mammalian Genes Are Transcribed with Widely Different Bursting Kinetics", Science, 332(6028), p.472-4, (2011).\\
[[citations: 739]\\
10) G. Rey, F. Cesbron, J. Rougemont, H. Reinke, M. Brunner, F. Naef, "Genome-Wide and Phase-Specific DNA-Binding Rhythms of BMAL1 Control Circadian Output Functions in Mouse Liver", PLoS Biol, 9(2), p. e1000595, (2011).\\
[[citations:  384]