!!James Murray - Curriculum Vitae

*Author of >125 papers including Nature, Science, Cell and PNAS, >6800 cites; average 54 cites/ article; h index=47.\\
*Current grant funding £2M; total grant research funding raised £12.7 M from 12 funding bodies\\
*Supervisor of >30 PhD students\\
*Examined 34 PhD theses. External examiner: BSc Biological Sciences Exeter Univ. 2005-9\\
*Cell Cycle Coordinator & Member Cell Biology Committee, Society for Experimental Biology 2007-\\
*Associate Editor Plant Molecular Biology and Journal of Experimental Botany \\
*Referee for over 16 grant giving bodies and >30 journals\\
*Formal collaborative links with 11 companies and founder of successful Cambridge University spinout Lumora Ltd (Now Erba Molecular)\\
*Involved in 7 European networks including acting as coordinator of 2 ERA-NETs and hosting 4 Marie Curie EU Fellows\\
*Organiser of SEB meeting The Plant Cell Cycle (Valencia, 2013); co-Organiser of SEB meetings: Computational Systems in Cell Biology: Gene Regulatory Networks (Manchester 2014); Modelling in Cell Biology (Prague 2015)\\
*Organising Committee Member, European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) Annual Meeting (Prague 2016).\\
*GARNet (UK Arabidopsis Network) Chair 2012-2014. GARNet lead PI 2015-2020.\\
*Member, North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee 2015-2020\\
*Developed novel luciferase-based technology for detecting DNA amplification sold globally (3M Molecular Detection System for food pathogens) \\
*Developed improved luciferase enzymes incorporated in world-leading hygiene monitoring test for 15 years\\
*Inventor of 10 granted patents in diverse fields including new luciferases, diagnostic methods, improved plants and methods\\
*BBSRC Bioscience for Industry Strategy panel member 2011-2013.