!!Bogdan Murgescu - Selected Publications
1. România şi Europa. Acumularea decalajelor economice (1500-2010) [[Romania and Europe. The accumulation of development lags (1500-2010)], Iaşi, Polirom, 2010. Book awarded the „Historia Magistra Vitae” prize of „Jurnalul Naţional”, the „CriticAtac Prize for 2010” for the most important book on a social, political or ideological topic relevant for the current Romanian Society, by the online platform CriticAtac, the „Gheorghe Brătianu” prize of the Cultural Foundation „Magazin Istoric”, and the „Eugeniu Carada” prize for Economics, by the National Grand Lodge of Romania in partnership with the Romanian Academy. 246 citations on [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_YYHp5gAAAAJ&hl=en]\\
2. Circulaţia monetară în Ţările Române în secolul al XVI-lea [[The Money Circulation in the Romanian Lands during the 16th Century], Bucureşti, 1996. Book awarded the "Nicolae Iorga" Prize of the Romanian Academy. \\
3. Istorie românească - istorie universală (600-1800) [[Romanian History – World History (600-1800)], Bucureşti, 1994, 150 p. Second revised edition, Bucureşti, 1999. Book awarded the "Constantin C. Giurescu" Prize of the Cultural Foundation "Magazin Istoric".\\
4. Teaching Modern Southeast European History. Alternative Educational Materials. Workbook I. The Ottoman Empire, Thessaloniki, 2005 (with Halil Berktay). 2nd edition 2009. Serbian (2005), Greek (2006), Croat (2007), Bosnian (2007), Albanese (2008), Macedonian (2008), Montenegrine (2012), Bulgarian (2012) and Japanese (2013) editions. Available online at [http://www.cdsee.org/projects/jhp/publications]. \\
5. Economic development. In: The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. Volume 1: Challenges of Modernity. Edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Stanislav Holubec and Joachim von Puttkamer. Abingdon, Oxon & New York, Routledge, 2020, p.313-383 (with Jerzy Łazor).\\
6. Rural and Urban Worlds: Between Economic Modernization and Persistent Backwardness. In: The Routledge History of East Central Europe since 1700. Edited by Irina Livezeanu and Arpad von Klimo. Abingdon, Oxon & New York, Routledge, 2017, p.81-125 (with Jacek Kochanowicz).\\
7. Romania. In: From Eastern Block to European Union. Comparative Processes of Transformation since 1990. Edited by Günther Heydemann and Karel Vodička, New York & Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2017, p.253-277.\\
8. Which Way Goes Romanian Capitalism? Making a Case for Reforms, Inclusive Institutions and a Better Functioning European Union, Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 13, December 2013, no.4, p.5-34 (with Daniel Dăianu).\\
9. Anything but simple: the case of the Romanian oil industry. In: Helga Schultz, Eduard Kubů (eds.), History and Culture of Economic Nationalism in East Central Europe, Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2006, p.231-250.\\
10. România Mare votează. Alegerile parlamentare din 1919 „la firul ierbii”. [[Greater Romania votes. The parliamentary elections in November 1919 at „grassroots level”]. Iaşi, Polirom, 2019, (with Andrei Florin Sora).