!!Hans Zanna Munthe-Kaas - Curriculum Vitae
*1989 Dr.Ing. (PhD), Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)\\
*1986 Siv.Ing. (MSc), Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)
*2022 - present Adjunct prof. (Prof. II), UiT - The Arctic University of Norway\\
*2005 - present Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen\\
*1997 - 2005 Professor (by calling ), Department of Computer Science, University of Bergen \\
*1991 - 1997 Associate professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Bergen\\
*1996 - 2000 Adjunct prof. (Prof. II), Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Trondheim\\
*1990 - 1995 Consulting scientist, SINTEF Industrial Mathematics, Trondheim\\
*1990 - 1991 NAVF Post Doctoral Researcher, at CERFACS, Toulouse, France\\
*1988 - 1990 Research scientist, SINTEF Industrial Mathematics, Trondheim, Norway\\
*1986 - 1989 PhD Stipend, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Trondheim
__Commissions of trust (recent)__
*2022 - present Director Lie–Størmer Center (https://uit.no/research/lsc)\\
*2020 - 2024 Scientific advisory board, Trond Mohn Foundation (https://mohnfoundation.no) \\
*2019 - 2023 President Norwegian Mathematical Society\\
*2018 - 2022 Chair of the International Abel Prize Committee\\
*2010 - 2018 Board of the Abel Prize in Mathematics\\
*2017 - 2021 President of the Scientific Council of CIMPA (www.cimpa.info)\\
*2017 - pres. Editor in Chief Journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics\\
*2012 - pres. Editorial Board Journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics\\
*2005 - 2011 Secretary for The Society for the Foundations of Computational Mathematics\\
*2005 - present Member board of Directors The Society for the Foundations of Computational Mathematics\\
9 Supervised PhDs.\\
Organised 25 international scientific meetings.\\ \\