!!Hervé Moulin - Selected Publications
Random matching under dichotomous preferences, (with Anna Bogomolnaia), Econometrica, 72, 1, 257-279, 2004.\\
Balancing Supply and Demand under Bilateral Constraints,  (with Olivier Bochet, Rahmi Ilkilic, and Jay Sethuraman), Theoretical Economics, 7,3, 395-424, 2012. [http://dx.doi.org/10.3982/TE893]\\
"Impartial nominations for a prize", (with Ron Holzman), Econometrica, 81, 1, 173-196, 2013. [http://dx.doi.org/10.3982/ECTA10523]\\
The bipartite rationing problem" (with Jay Sethuraman), Operations Research, , 61 (5). pp. 1087-1100, 2013 (October). [http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/opre.2013.1199]\\
One-dimensional mechanism design", Theoretical Economics, 12, 2, 587-619, 2017\\
Competitive division of a mixed manna (with Anna Bogomolnaia, Fedor Sandomirskyi and Elena Yanovskaia), Econometrica, 85, 6, 1847-1871, November 2017. doi/10.3982/ECTA14564/full\\
Game Theory for the Social Sciences: 1st edition in English: 1982, New York University Press, 304 p. 2nd and revised edition: 1986, New York University Press, 278 p. (with a companion volume: 89 exercises with solutions,156 p.) Original edition in French: ThÈorie des jeux pour l'Èconomie et la politique, 1981, Hermann, Paris, 248 p. Russian translation, Teoria Igr, s. Primerami is Matematicheskoi Economiki, 1985, Mir Editions, Moscow.\\
The Strategy of Social Choice: 1983, North-Holland, Advanced Textbooks in Economics, No. 18, 214 p.\\
Axioms of Cooperative Decision Making: 1988, Monograph of the Econometric Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 332 p. Russian translation, Cooperativnoe Prinyatie Reshenii Aksiomy i Modeli, 1991, Mir Editions, Moscow.\\
Cooperative Micro-economics: A Game Theoretic Introduction, 1995, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press and London: Prentice Hall.\\
Fair Division and Collective Welfare, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2003, 289 p