!!Alberto Montanari - Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management\\
*Master Degree in Civil and Hydraulic engineering - University of Parma, 1992, Summa cum Laude\\
*Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering obtained in 1996 by defending a thesis entitled "Stochastic Modelling of Hydrological Variables Affected by Long Term Persistence” (in Italian).\\
__Employment Record__
*Head, Department of Civil, Environmental, Chemical and Material Engineering (DICAM) at the University of Bologna (2015-present)\\
*Coordinator of the Bachelor and Master Degree Programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna (2012-2015) \\
*Full Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, University of Bologna (2012-present)\\
*Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, University of Bologna (2001-2012)\\
*Assistant Professor, University of Bologna (1998-2001)\\
*Union Service Awards, European Geosciences Union, 2017\\
*Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2017\\
*Darcy Medal, European Geosciences Union, 2018\\
*William Kaula Award, American Geophysical Union, 2018
__Leadership (selection)__
*Head: Department of Civil, Environmental, Chemical and Material Engineering (DICAM) at the University of Bologna (2015-present)\\
*President Elect, European Geosciences Union (EGU) (2017-present)\\
*Member: Centennial Steering Committee, American Geophysical Union (AGU) (2017-present)\\
*President: Hydrological Sciences Division, EGU (2008-2011)\\
*President: International Commission on Water Resources Systems, IAHS (2013-2017)\\
*Chair: Union Awards and Medals Committee, EGU (2009-2015)\\
*Chair: Task Force for the Scientific Decade 2013-2022, IAHS (2011-2013)\\
*Chair: Panta Rhei Research Initiative for the scientific decade 2013-2022, IAHS (2013-present)\\
*Chair: Leonardo Committee of EGU (2011-2017)\\
*National representative for Italy, IAHS (2011-2015 and 2019-2023)\\
*Member: International Scientific Committee for Florence flood protection (2014-2017)
__Editorial duties__
*Editor in Chief (2013-2017): Water Resources Research, AGU\\
*Associate Editor (2005-2013): Water Resources Research, AGU\\
*Editor (2004-2013): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, EGU\\
*Associate Editor (2011-2013): Survey in Geophysics, Springer\\
*Associate Editor (2010-2013): Hydrological Sciences Journal, IAHS
__Conference Organization: __\\
Main organizer of the conference Bologna IAHS 2014 - Evolving Water Resources Systems - Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water - Society Interactions, Bologna, June 2014.\\
Invited member of international scientific advisory committees of 16 conferences. More than International Conferences and Workshops convened including sessions at AGU and EGU Meetings. \\
__Invited Lectures:__\\
More than 50 invited key note and plenary lectures at international conferences.\\
__Selected keynote and plenary lectures during the past 5 years:__
*2014: “Towards a theory for hydrological change”, invited talk at the EGU General Assembly, April 2014.\\
*2014: “Meet the expert in hydrology - How young scientists can contribute to ‘Hydrology in a changing world’”, invited talk at the EGU General Assembly, April 2014.\\
*2014: “Panta Rhei – Everything Flows: Change in Hydrology and Society - Towards a theoretical framework for change assessment and attribution in hydrology”, invited talk at the CUAHSI Biennal Meeting, West Virginia, July 2014.\\
*2015: “New Data for Deciphering the Human Pressure on River Ecosystems. A Step Forward to Assess Global Water Emergency”, invited talk at the 2015 Gordon Research Conference (USA)\\
*2016: "Is climate change modifying precipitation extremes?", invited talk at the EGU General Assembly, April 2016.\\
*2017: "Recent breakthroughs and themes in hydrology, from climate to the water-food-energy nexus", invited presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2017.\\
*2018: "A Stationary Theory for Modeling Climate Change: Stationarity is Immortal!", invited presentation at the Uppsala University, January 2018.\\
__Supervision of Research staff (PostDocs, current):__ \\
Serena Ceola (Eco-hydrology, natural hazards).\\
__Supervision of PhD Students (date of degree between parentheses):__ \\
Emanuele Baratti (2014), Elena Montosi (2012), Laura Lombardi (2011), Simone Castiglioni (2010), Alessandro Bigi (2007), Giuliano di Baldassarre (2006), Laura Montanari (2005), Luigia Brandimarte (2005), Greta Moretti (2003).\\
__Research grants:__ \\
About 1 million Euro of research funds received in the last 10 years, including a FP7 project financed by the EU (local PI) and several consultancy activity related to environmental management and climate change.\\
__Highlighted papers:__ \\
Co-author of 7 highlighted papers published on Hydrological Sciences Journal (2018, 2016, 2016 and 2013), Water Resources Research (2015), Geophysical Research Letters (2014 and 2010).\\
Peer reviewed journal articles:   125\\
Peer reviewed, invited book chapters:   5\\
Monographs and edited special issues and books:  7\\
H-index (WOS):   38\\
Total citations (WOS):   4900 (4351 without self citations) \\
16 papers with more than 100 citations (WOS)\\
ResearcherID: [http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5427-2009]\\
Google Scholar: [http://www.scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=fqgGMEYAAAAJ]\\ \\