!!Izak Moerdijk - Biography
Izak Moerdijk received his PhD degree  in Mathematics from the University of Amsterdam in 1985, with the distinction "cum laude" (the first time this distinction was awarded at the U. of A. since the PhD of H.W. Lenstra jr. in 1977). \\ \\
After post doc type positions in Cambridge and Chicago he was appointed at Utrecht University, first as  Associate Professor in 1988 and Professor in 1996. \\
He was elected to the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) in 2006. \\
He was awarded the Descartes-Huygens prize for French-Dutch collaboration in science from the Académie des Sciences in Paris in 2011. \\
In the same year, he was awarded the Spinoza Prize from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). This is the most prestigious academic prize within the Netherlands.\\
Among the more prestigious  invited lectures he has given, in particular his lecture at the European Congress of Mathematics in 2000 and his DeLong Lectures in 2009 in Boulder, ([http://math.colorado.edu/~rmg/delong]) can be mentioned. \\