!!!Mihaela Miroiu
[{Image src='Miroiu_Mihaela.jpg'  alt='Mihaela Miroiu' height='220' caption='Photo: Eduard Andrica'}]
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*Professor, Faculty of Political Sciences, NSPSA, Bucharest
*2000 - 2022 PhD Coordinator in Political Theory and Gender Politics
*2004 - 2008 Director of the Department of Academic Quality Assurance, NSPSA
*March 1997 - July 2001 Dean, Political Science Faculty, NSPSA-Bucharest
*Since 1999 Professor, Feminist Philosophy (Bucharest University), Feminist Political Theory, Political Ethics
*1996 - 1999 Associate Professor in Political Ethics, Feminist Political Theory, Feminist Philosophy, Political Science Faculty, NSPSA 
*Since 1996 Associate Professor in Philosophy, Normative Analysis, Political Ethics, Political Sciences Faculty, National School for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest
*1994 - 1997 Associate Professor in Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy Faculty, Bucharest University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*PEN Prize 2023 for promoting literature and freedom of expression for her book ''Wings and Roots''
*November 2010 Outstanding Achievements Award, Association for Women in Slavic Studies Eurasian and East-European Studies (AWSS), Los Angeles
*December 2010 Women Inspiring Europe, European Institute for Gender Equality, Bruxelles
*2007 Bologna Professor: Award for Excellence in Teaching, National Association of Students
*October 2005 First National Prize for the Contribution in Preventing and Combating the Discrimination and Promoting Equal Opportunities, National Council for Preventing and Combating the Discrimination

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Miroiu_Mihaela/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Miroiu_Mihaela/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Miroiu_Mihaela/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Miroiu_Mihaela/OtherInformation]

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