!!Jack Middelburg - Curriculum Vitae
*Groningen University, 1984; BSc, Cum Laude, (Bio)Geology\\
*Utrecht University, 1987, MSc, Cum Laude, Geochemistry\\
*Utrecht University, 1990, PhD. Cum Laude, Geochemistry/Oceanography
__History of Employment__
*Chair in Geochemistry, Earth Sciences, Utrecht University (2009-)\\
*Adjunct Professor Biogeochemistry, Gent University, Belgium (2001-2009)\\
*Head of Department, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (2005-2009)\\
*(Senior) scientist, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) (1992-2005)\\
*Compulsory military service (1991-1992)\\
*Post-doc at Technical University of Delft (1990-1991)
__Ongoing Community Service__
*Associate Editor of Science Advances (2014-)\\
*Associate Editor of Biogeosciences (2004-)\\
*Chair of the Publication Committee of ASLO (2019-2022)\\
*Member of the Ocean Solutions Initiative, Monaco Principality to evaluate the potential of ocean solutions to climate change (2016-)\\
*Member Scientific Committee of KAUST Red Sea Center (2015-)\\
*Member Institute Advisory Board of NIOZ, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (2018-)\\
*Member Scientific Committee of Wadden Academy, the Netherlands (2011-)\\
*Scientific Director NESSC (Netherlands Earth System Science Center) (2019-2024)\\
*Director of research Earth Sciences Utrecht University, including board of graduate schools (2014-2020)
__Scientific recognition__
*Recipient of PIONIER award of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research in 2002\\
*Elected to Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 2008\\
*Roland Wollast Award from Eur-Oceans (2008) \\
*Outstanding editor award of the European Geosciences Union (2016)\\
*Hutchinson medal of the Association for Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography (2016)\\
*Vernadsky medal of the European Geosciences Union (2017)\\
*Visiting fellow at Princeton (2018)\\
*Author of two L&O Featured articles (2000, 2005), one featured MEPS article (2010), two GBC articles were highlighted in Nature Geosciences (2008, 2010), and co-author of 2008 ASLO Lindeman Award paper.
__Bibliometry 1.2.2018__
*SCOPUS: 23452 citations, h-index of 80\\
*ISI-Clarivatics: 22270 citations, h-index of 78\\
*Google Scholar: 33773 citations, h-index of 96, last 5-year h-index = 55\\ \\