!!Michael Meadows - Selected Publications

__Selected edited works:__\\
Holmes, PJ and Meadows, ME (eds.) 2012: Southern African Geomorphology: Recent Trends and New Directions.  Bloemfontein, Sun Press, 430pp.\\
Meadows ME and Lin JC (eds) 2016: Geomorphology and Society. Springer, Berlin.  277pp, ISBN 978-4-431-56000-5.\\
Selected peer reviewed articles:__\\
Meadows, ME 2014: Recent methodological advances in Quaternary palaeoecological proxies.  Progress in Physical Geography 38: 807-817. 16 citations\\
Chase, B and Meadows, ME 2007: Late Quaternary dynamics of southern Africa’s Winter Rainfall Zone.  Earth Science Reviews 84: 103-138.  369 citations\\
Meadows ME 2015: Seven decades of Quaternary palynological studies in southern Africa: a historical perspective.  Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 70: 103-108. 7 citations\\
Chase, BM, Meadows, ME, Scott, L, Thomas, DSG, Marais, E, Sealy, J and Reimer, PJ. 2009: A record of rapid Holocene climate change preserved in hyrax middens from southwestern Africa.  Geology 37: 703-706.  103 citations\\
Meadows, ME and Linder, HP.  1993: Special paper: A palaeoecological perspective on the origin of the Afromontane grasslands.  Journal of Biogeography 20: 345-355.  85 citations\\
Chase, B, Meadows, ME, Carr, A and Reimer, P 2010: Evidence for progressive Holocene aridification in southern Africa recorded in Namibian hyrax middens: implications for African Monsoon dynamics and the ‘African Humid Period’. Quaternary Research 74: 35-45. 88 citations\\
Meadows, ME & Baxter, AJ.  1999: Late Quaternary palaeoecology of the southwestern Cape, South Africa: a regional synthesis.  Quaternary International  57/58: 193-206. 73 citations\\
Meadows, ME 2012: Quaternary environments: moving forward, looking backwards. Progress in Physical Geography 36: 539-547. 19 citations