!!Louise McNally - Selected Publications
2022. Grimm, Scott, and Louise McNally. Nominalization and natural language ontology. Annual Review of Linguistics 8, 1-24. [https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-linguistics-031120-020110]\\
2021. McNally, Louise. Strong and weak nominals. D. Gutzmann, et al. (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics.\\
2020. Bassaganyas-Bars, Toni and Louise McNally. There be- and have-sentences: Different semantics, different definiteness effects. The Linguistic Review, 37.2, 179-208. DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1515/tlr-2019-2041].\\
2019. McNally, Louise. Scalar alternatives and scalar inference involving adjectives: A comment on van Tiel, et al. 2016. Journal of Foreign Languages 42:3, 2-12 (ISSN: 1004-5139). \\
2019. Gehrke, Berit and Louise McNally. Idioms and the syntax/semantics interface of descriptive content vs. reference. Linguistics 57(4), 769-814.\\
2018. Castroviejo, Elena, Louise McNally, and Galit W. Sassoon. Gradability, vagueness, and scale structure: From the armchair to the lab. E. Castroviejo, L. McNally, and G. W. Sassoon (eds.), The Semantics of Gradability, Vagueness, and Scale Structure: Experimental Perspectives. Springer, Dordrecht, 1-24.\\
2017. McNally, Louise and Gemma Boleda. Conceptual vs. referential affordance in concept composition. J. Hampton and Y. Winter (eds.), Compositionality and Concepts in Linguistics and Psychology. Springer, Dordrecht, 245-267.\\
2017. McNally, Louise. On the scalar properties and telicity of degree achievements. E. Castroviejo, O. Fernández Soriano and I. Pérez Jiménez (eds.), Boundaries, Phases, and Interfaces. Case studies in honor of Violeta Demonte. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 174-192.\\
2017. McNally, Louise and Isidora Stojanovic. Aesthetic Adjectives. J. Young (ed.), The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 17-37.\\
2005. Kennedy, Christopher, and McNally, Louise.  Scale structure, degree modification, and the semantics of gradable predicates. Language 81, 345-381.